2024 Provost Innovation in Teaching Award Nomination Process

Purpose: The Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award recognizes a faculty member or faculty team who has developed innovative approaches to promote student learning. This annual award is based on the demonstrated success of the innovation, as well as evidence of impact on students and the potential for wider adoption.
Eligibility: The award is open to all Main Campus full-time faculty in any discipline who teach undergraduate and/or graduate students.
Criteria: This award recognizes innovations in teaching, both specific innovations as well as sets of closely connected and/or integrated initiatives implemented at the same time. Noteworthy innovations may have been employed throughout a course, in special assignments, or in other learning activities. They may involve the innovative use of learning technologies and/or pedagogical methods. Nominated innovations will be assess based on the following criteria (innovations do not need to address all of these criteria):
- The creative of teaching strategies developed
- The potential for the innovation to be adopted within and/or across disciplines The extent to which the innovation supports Georgetown’s commitment to cura personalis, care for the whole student
- The ways in which the innovation engages with with diverse students through strategies of accessible pedagogy
Nominations: Nomination letters should convey the following in no more than 1000 words:
- A description of the initiative(s) and why the initiative was undertaken (i.e., the instructional challenges or opportunities addressed by the innovation)
- An explanation of the ways in which the innovation meets the criteria articulated above
Evidence of the positive impact on student learning and/or engagement with diverse students. How the innovation has been shared by the faculty member with others to date, or specific information about plans to share the innovation in the future
Nominations may be made by deans, chairs, unit heads, and faculty peers to the Office of the Provost.
Nominations should include the nomination letter, the CVs of all nominated faculty, and any relevant supporting material, including class syllabi. Nominations should be submitted to the Provost’s Office via email to viceprovostforeducation@georgetown.edu.
Selection Process: The Provost will appoint a selection committee chaired by the Vice Provost for Education. After selection and University-wide recognition, the faculty member(s) will be invited to present their innovation in teaching to the Georgetown University community at a public event.
Timeline: 2024 Nomination Cycle
Submission Deadline: Monday, June 3, 2024