2022 Internal Research Award Outcomes

December, 2022

A total of 128 applications were received for the Fall 2022 internal research grants, and 57 awards were made.  Twelve out of 31 applications for ARGs were funded; 25 SSSs were awarded, from 66 applications; and one-semester periods of GU Research Leave were granted to 20 of the 31 applicants.

Summer Salary Supplement (SSS)
Full Name Rank Academic Unit
Alejandro Yarza Professor Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Alexandra DeCandia Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Biology
Alexandre Poirier Associate Professor Department of Economics
Alison Mackey Professor and Chair Department of Linguistics
Ariel Glucklich Professor and Chair Department of Theology
Bryan Mc Cann Professor Department of History
Chantal Berman Assistant Professor Department of Government
Erin K. Twohig Associate Professor Department of French
Eva Rosen Associate Professor McCourt School of Public Policy
Gregory Afinogenov Associate Professor Department of History
Jennifer Nycz Associate Professor Department of Linguistics
Joel Michael Reynolds Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy
Joseph R. Johnson Assistant Professor Department of French
Killian Clarke Assistant Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Kostadin Kushlev Assistant Professor Department of Psychology
Lioudmila Fedorova Professor Department of Slavic Languages
Melanie White Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow African American Studies Department
NaLette Brodnax Assistant Professor McCourt School of Public Policy
Nathan Hensley Associate Professor Department of English
Nicolas Campisi Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Ning Leng Assistant Professor McCourt School of Public Policy
Robert J Patterson Professor African American Studies Department
Rodrigo A. Maillard Associate Professor Department of Chemistry
Rosemary N. Ndubuizu Assistant Professor African American Studies Department
Sara Bjerg Moller Associate Teaching Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Annual Research Grant
Full Name Rank Academic Unit
Ahmad Alqassas Associate Professor Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Christian Wolf Professor Department of Chemistry
Denise E Brennan Professor Department of Anthropology
Emily C Francomano Professor and Chair Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Johann Le Guelte Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow Department of French
Jonathan M Ladd Associate Professor McCourt School of Public Policy
Katherine A Benton-Cohen Professor Department of History
Kathryn M. de Luna Provost Distinguished Associate Professor Department of History
Leanne Doughty Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Physics
Matthew B Hamilton Associate Professor Department of Biology
Melanie White Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow African American Studies Department
Pauliina Patana Assistant Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University Research Leave (GURL)
Full Name Rank Academic Unit
Anna von der Goltz Associate Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Brandon Dotson Associate Professor Department of Theology
Clay Shields Professor Department of Computer Science
Denise E Brennan Professor Department of Anthropology
Elliott Colla Associate Professor and Chair Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Emily Mendenhall Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Fathali M. Moghaddam Professor Department of Psychology
Joseph A McCartin Professor Department of History
Julia Watts Belser Professor Department of Theology
Kathryn M. de Luna Provost Distinguished Associate Professor Department of History
M Lindsay Kaplan Professor Department of English
Marden Nichols Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor and Chair Department of Classics
Martha R Weiss Professor Department of Biology
Marwa Daoudy Associate Professor Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan Associate Professor Department of English
Paul H Portner Professor Department of Linguistics
Richard Boyd Associate Professor Department of Government
Robert J Patterson Professor African American Studies Department
Rodrigo Adem Assistant Professor Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Sarah Elizabeth McNamer Professor Department of English