Reena Aggarwal, featured speaker and panelist at the ACCU CAO Conference

On Saturday, February 2, 2019, Reena Aggarwal, Vice Provost for Faculty at Georgetown University, was a featured speaker and panelist at the 2019 ACCU CAO Conference, contributing expert perspectives on Catholic Identity and Global Challenges.
The 2019 ACCU Annual Meeting aims at challenging misconceptions, articulating an authentic narrative for Catholic higher education, and reimagining strategies to boost student learning and competencies for today’s fast-changing world.
Each winter, presidents and senior administrators from Catholic colleges and universities around the world come together in Washington, DC for ACCU’s signature event. The Annual Meeting offers members the opportunity to greet colleagues, share ideas, and discuss important issues in Catholic higher education.
The Chief Academic Officers Conference (CAO) plays a unique role in advancing Catholic identity among academic staff. Stimulating speakers and roundtable discussions at this gathering help attendees address contemporary needs. This year, in light of the mission of Catholic higher education, including the importance of Catholic Social Teaching, and the current national context, many Catholic colleges and universities are wrestling with questions about their responsibilities towards immigrants, therefore, the 2019 CAO Conference focus on addressing “Catholic Mission, Global Challenges, and the Value of Liberal Education”. Panelists in the session Catholic Identity and Global Challenges include Reena Aggarwal, Vice Provost for Faculty at Georgetown University, Janet Houser, Provost at Regis University, Ashley Feasley, Director of Policy at USCCB Migration and Refugee Services, and Kim Lamberty, Director of University and Mission Engagement at Catholic Relief Services, contributing perspectives on issues including some good practices for engaging with current developments surrounding immigration and refugees, and for recruiting international students and hiring international faculty or staff.