External Funding Resources
Applying for Grants:
The process of applying for external funding is described on JORA’s Proposal Development webpage, and starts with identifying the right JORA administrator to help. The Cluster Research Administrator responsible for your unit (listed here) can point you to the right person, or you can email jora@georgetown.edu. If the opportunity is coming from a foundation or company, JORA will also connect you with the Office of Institutional Partners. Guidance for proposals requiring cost-sharing is available here.
Finding Opportunities:
Your JORA proposal development specialist can help you search for opportunities, and there are some useful resources on the JORA training page, including guidance on using the extensive PIVOT database. Additional useful information is available on the GUMC funding opportunities page, including a list of funding databases.
Managing Sponsored Research: Your JORA grants administrator is your guide to all grants management issues, but questions can also be directed to the Cluster Research Administrator responsible for your unit (listed here) or by emailing jora@georgetown.edu. This information page also lists institutional rates and includes links to the offices and policies relevant for sponsored research.
Research involving human subjects is overseen by the Office of Human Subject Protections (including the IRB), and the Office of Research Oversight handles issues of compliance and research integrity.