GMS guidance on Main Campus Faculty processes (updated 8.31.12)
Please direct all requests to Uploads to the Z drive with documentation must be accopmanied by an email to alert us of the request.
As of June 8, 2012, the Provost’s Office (OFRA) will initiate most faculty requests into GMS for the Main Campus. Chairs and Deans will approve and recommend appointments outside of the system, before requests come up to the Provost’s Office. “HR Contacts” access to the GMS system will not change. This is a business process change only. Departmental administrators who are “HR contacts” will still be able to view departmental information, run reports, and track the status of their requests in GMS. “HR Contacts” will still initiate requests for other employee types; we ask that as of now they not initiate faculty hire and compensation requests.
Revised expectations for departmental administrators who are “HR Contacts,” “Finance Partners,” and “Dean’s Office Reviewers” concerning their roles in processing faculty payments and appointments:
HR Contacts: Departmental administrators will still have responsibility for completing and sending the appropriate forms and supporting documentation to their deans office and senior business manager for approval. We have updated our forms to reflect the need for outside of the system approval from chair, school finance officer, and dean for hires, status changes for adjuncts and additional compensation requests. Please be sure to use the new forms, Please email us at in order to request action on any appointment or compensation request.
Upon your email request and with appropriate documentation, transactions in GMS will be initiated by the Office of Faculty Records. HR Contacts will still be prompted by GMS to participate in the onboarding process for new hires. Please continue to monitor your GMS inboxes on a regular basis to follow through on all the steps needed to complete hires.
Finance Partner: Senior business managers will be asked to review and approve the outside of GMS requests as submitted by the HR Contacts and as determined by the Dean’s Office. “Finance Partners” will also continue to approve transactions in GMS as they have been.
Dean’s Office Reviewer: Deans will continue to be responsible for reviewing and approving all faculty appointments, but this review will occur outside of GMS. Completed forms signed by the chair, school finance officer and dean with the appropriate supporting documentation should be sent to the Office of Faculty Records or uploaded to the Z drive. Since deans will no longer have to approve transactions in GMS, a new role called “Dean’s Office Viewer” has been created the same level of access as before. Transactions currently in “Dean’s Office reviewers” inboxes should be completed or delegated. Faculty business process requests will no longer appear in Deans’ inboxes in GMS. Deans may still receive other requests in their roles as managers.
Which Business processes will be initated centrally by OFRA?
Hire, Compensation Change Requests, including ontract extensions and contract changes, one time payment requests, costing allocations for initial hires and additional compensation requests, and other additional payments.
HR contacts will still be responsible for many time sensitive onboarding activities during the “hire” process. In addition, HR contacts shold initiate costing allocation requests after the time of hire (when cost splits occur), add an applicant requests and create position requests.
The following guidance is provided as a supplement to training and to better assist HR contacts in understanding faculty processes in GMS:
Comments are Required
Please use the “Comments” free form text field each time you send a request to say what you are trying to do. This will help us to help you in case there is an ambiguity in the request.
Fixing Faculty Titles that are pulling into GU360 incorrectly
There is a glitch in the GU360 GMS interaction that had caused additional job profiles to be pulled into GU360 when no business title is entered on the additional job. There was a global fix applied that should have resolved this problem. In addition, in the future, only primary job titles will be pulled into the Directory from GMS.
Retroactive Payments are now automatic in GMS as of April 23 with the release of Workday 16
As of April 23rd, GMS automatically generates retroactive payments when a retroactive compensation date is entered into the system. Please keep this in mind when retroactive compensation changes are requested. All of the retroactive pay accumulated based on the pre-dated request will be automatically paid on the next regular pay date. 4.28.12
Forcing Payroll Effects
Compensation changes will not be approved to force payroll corrections by changing salary. Salary and payment information entered into the payroll system should accurately reflect dates of employment and amounts of salary as per contractual obligations. Payroll corrections should be requested using the General Payroll Form.
Given automatic retroactive payroll effects, appointments that have been partially paid using GPFs but have not been entered into the system properly will now have to be entered into the system only for the remaining pay period. If you must do this, please explain in the comments field. 4.28.12
General Payroll Form
The general payroll form can be used for requesting payment corrections for payroll errors and for other purposes. Documentation should be provided to Heather Malneritch in MCFO. She will review and then send forward to Ivan Gray in the Office of Faculty Appointments. Ivan will review and submit to Payroll for processing. For information on current uses of the General Payroll Form, such as reimbursements and temporary fixes to pay error, please use the following link:
Off Cycle Payment Request
The Off Cycle payment request form asks that a payment be provided as soon as possible rather than as usual in the next regular pay cycle. CFO approval is now required for all off cycle payment requests. Off cycle payments require payroll action to create the immediate payment and also to stop the automatic system payment in the next pay period, and so off cycle payments should be requested only as required in special cirsumstances.
Hiring In GMS
In GMS, hiring a faculty member is a one to three step process that is initiated by a department or program administrator acting on behalf of the department Chair or Program Director. Only an administrator acting in the role of “Academic HR contact” can initiate an academic hire.To initiate a hire, first, see if the person to be hired is brand new to Georgetown or if he or she is already in the system. You can check by searching on their first and last name in the search box in GMS. If the name is not found, this is a new hire, enter their information into the system using the “Create an Applicant” business process. HR contacts may still complete this process for faculty hires.
If the name is found, the Office of the Provost will hire this person into an open position in your department. OFRA will use the “Add Additional Job” process, if they are going to retain their existing job, or the “Transfer” process, which must be initiated by their home department, if they are leaving their existing job to come to work for your department.
OFRA will hire a “New Applicant” using the “Hire an Employee” business process. These processes can be initiated either by searching on the process name, and starting from there, or by clicking on the “actions” tabe next to an existing employee’s name having searched on their employee record.
OFRA will provide an additional job to an employee who is already in your supervisory organization such that you already have access to his or her record, then you can do this, in some cases, by adding an “allowance plan” using the “request compensation change”process. For more information, please seethe “Additional Compensation for Faculty” below.
Following the hire, onboarding information is sent to staff employees via the GMS system. Faculty will also receive a notification regarding onboarding information, but it will have no content. This is a consequence of functionality that is presently only being used for staff. We are exploring whether this can be de-activated for faculty. Faculty receiving this prompt to review documentation via GMS can just click “submit” to eliminate the prompt.
I-9 Verification in GMS
There are now three steps to the GMS based I-9 verification process.
I-9 Part I
First, based on the information entered by the HR contact during the hire, as a part of the Edit ID information process, the new employee will receive a prompt to review this information for accuracy. This information will include the information required on section 1 of the I-9 such as legal name, birthdate, social security number, etc. Upon review, the employee should check the box verifying the accuracy of the information. If the information is not accurate, the employee may correct it or contact the HR contact.
I-9 Part II
Once section 1 is completed, the HR contact will receive a “complete I-9 task.” The HR contact must then review and certify the accuracy of the section 1 information. Then the HR contact will continue to section 2 of the online I-9 and complete it, using documentation provided by the employee during an in person meeting. This will require verification of employment eligibility, either for list A; or for lists B and C.
Given document security protocols, copies of document(s) used to verify citizenship should be sent in hard copy to the Office of Faculty Records and Appointements. This will accompany the online I-9 form that will be submitted for approval to the Academic HR Partner in the Office of Faculty Records for review. The I-9 verification must occur within 3 days of the start date of employment. Faculty employment start dates are the orientation date in August, and the start of classes in January for teaching faculty. For research faculty, the start of employment is also the contract start date.
Adding a cost center during the hire (organizational assignment)
You will need to have an unfilled position in your department, in the right job family and job profile, into which this applicant can be hired. Use the “Create a Position” business process to create an unfilled position for the candidate. Please note the “add organizational assignment,” step cannot be skipped. The organizational assignment that you must add is the cost center. If the cost center is not known, please enter the department GX as the default. Cost centers must be entered for all employees and contingent workers.
Splitting Distributions (cost center splits)
Only one default cost center may be assigned per position initially (added as an organizational assignment.) This means that if you have to assign a split distribution for one appointment, you will need to do this in a separate step after the hire is completed using the “Assign Costing Allocation” task. This process allows you to split a distribution of salary among more than one cost center. This process also allows you to assign a separate cost center to each type of compensation. So, for example, if an ordinary faculty member is being paid salary on the department GX, but is also receiving a stipend for service on another cost center, you can arrange for this distribution using the “assign costing allocation” task. It is easiest to begin from the employee’s position when assigning a costing allocation.
If a position exists in your department, but there is some information attached to this position, such as position description information, which is not relevant for this hire, use the “Edit Position Restrictions” process to change position information. Or, alternately, you may create a new position.
You may create adjunct positions as you predict they will be needed. Full time term faculty positions should be created as term faculty accept positions in your department. Ordinary faculty positions should be created only when the hire of an ordinary faculty member had been approved and a contract has already been issued. There is no form required to create positions.
Once a position exists in your organization, the Provost’s Office will initiate the hire in GMS, once you have provided necessary hire documentation such as the appointment request form, c.v., and the applicant into the position. The “Hire an Employee” business process will be used for new employees, or the “Add Additional Job” process will be used for existing employees who will continue in their first position. (“Transfer,” which is used if an employee is leaving an existing job at GU in order to take a new job must be initiated by the employee’s home department.) 4.28.12
A Note on FTE
Although positions default to 100% FTE, during the “Hire” business process, FTE, or percent of full time effort may need to be assigned. FTE in GMS is the ratio of scheduled hours to the default hours =40.
So, 40 scheduled houts/40 default hours is 100% FTE. For an FTE of 75%, possible in the full time space, enter “30 ” under “scheduled hours.” (30/40= 1/4=25%)
For adjunct appointments we will enter “3” scheduled hours per credit or “9”scheduled hours for each three credit adjunct course. (This is easy to remember, 3 hours = 3 credits. Adjunct assignments are part time and cannot exceed 50% FTE. So, in general, we would not expect to approve more than two, three credit courses in the adjunct space.
Non-credit courses will be entered into the system as “1” scheduled hour per non-credit course, producing a very low FTE. Other assignments that include an FTE can also be entered with “1” scheduled hour.
Uploading Information
Documentation of faculty appointments and compensation adjustments should not be uploaded to GMS. Instead, all documentation for Main Campus faculty should be uploaded to the Shared Drive (the Z Drive), a secure location we have established for sharing. Information uploaded to the shared drive will not be visible to faculty as is information uploaded to GMS.
Your Dean’s Office will probably upload documentation to the Z drive once they have signed off on your request. If you are uploading materials to generate a hire, such as the “Appointment Request Form” please send an email to OFRA when all documentation necessary for a hire or compensation change to be initiated has been uploaded to the Z drive to signal to us to initiate the request in GMS.
If you need access to the Z drive, please request access to the shared drive by contacting Kristen Rogers in the Office of Faculty Records.
Canceling a Course (or changing a monthly rate)
Please complete the Appointment request From to cancel a course or change a monthly rate. This should be signed by Dean and Business Officer and then uploaded to the Z drive (or sent up in hard copy) for submission to OFRA. An adjunct assignment will be canceled using the “Request Compensation Change” business process, or, if it was added as an additional job, using the “End Additional Job” process.
We will use the edit compensation to cancel a course and inactivate an adjunct (if they are only assigned that course), selecting “compensation,” and then using the “edit pay plan” option, “delete” the pay plan. This process will not remove the adjunct from the system, but will end their current appointment and stop pay. (Similarly, if an adjunct will have reduced responsibilities, monthly pay can be edited in this way. Please note that GMS automatically pro-rates pay when a person begins work, or when their pay rate changes after the first day of the pay period. The first month of the pay period, e.g. January 1, should always be selected when requesting a new hire or a pay change in order to avoid pro-rated pay for that month.) A faculty member with pay plan removed is in an “inactive status” in the system, and remains available for hire in the future. Please upload the Appointment Form with Chair’s signature and notation to end appointment to the Z drive to document the change.
Ending an Additional Job
OFRA will use this process to cancel a course, which is also an additional job, or to decouple an adjunct from a position that is an additional job.
Reappointing, Inactivating, and Extending Appointments
To end an assignment but leave an employee available for hire, OFRA will delete the Pay Plan or allowance plan using the “Request Compensation Change” process. Full time appointments may also be extended using the “Request Compensation Change” business process by entering a later end date for the appointment. This allows the end date to be extended for continuous full time appointments. The “Request Compensation Change” process will be used to renew appointments that are currently inactive by adding a salary plan and salary as well as new start and end dates. Please upload the Appointment Request form to the Z drive when requesting an appointment extension or reappointment. A new contract will be sent based on requests to extend or appoint again.
Additional, overlapping appointments for teaching faculty will be recorded in GMS using the “add additional job” process.
If a two course assignment has been added, you will notice an adjusted FTE, created by changing the scheduled hours from 9 (for one three credit course) to 18 (for two three credit courses.)
Appointment Start and End Dates
For fall semester appointments, please request a start date of August 1st and an end date of December 31st. For spring semester appointments, please request a start date of of January 1st and an end date of May 31st. For academic-year appointments, please request a start date of August 1st and an end date of May 31st for those on a 10-month payroll schedule, or an August 1st start date with a July 31st end date for those on a 12-month payroll schedule. GMS prorates pay automatically. So, if a start date is requested after the first day of the pay period pay for that pay period will be less than usual. So, for instance, if a start date of August 15 is entered for an August-December adjunct appointment, then the first month of pay will be prorated by 50%.
Earning Plans
In general, salary pay plans will be used for adjunct faculty. Allowance plans will be used for full time faculty and also for additional non-teaching assignments for adjuncts. One employee may have a variety of earning plans assigned and diffferent reason codes for each one. Matching the payment being requested with the best reason code available in the system to allow for reporting.
Salary Pay Plans
We will add a “Faculty 12 month pay plan” for all Faculty with nine month academic appointments who elect to be paid over 12 months. We will select “Monthly” as the frequency for this pay plan. We will select “Faculty 10 month Pay Plan” for faculty with nine month academic year appointments who are on the default 10 month Faculty Pay Plan. We will select “Monthly for 10” as the Frequency for this pay plan. We will select “Five Month Faculty Pay Plan” for all regular adjunct faculty with semester long appointments for fall or spring. We will select “Monthly for 5” as the frequency for this pay plan. We will select “Faculty Monthly” Pay Plan for all other contract terms, from one month to twelve, but not five or ten. Frequencies must match salary plans selected…so if you notice a discrepancy please let us know. 6.8.12
Allowance Plans
We will select an “allowance” plan to provide an additional assignment for faculty members who are already in your organization. Allowance plans can be added for a variety of reasons. We will try to select the correct description of the reason for the payment when adding an allowance plan. So, for instance, if an ordinary faculty member in your department is teaching an additinal course, we will select “allowance” as the earning type and “fee per course” as the best reason. If a faculty member is performing several additional roles, we will select the earning code that is most appropriate, e.g. “allowance” with the best reason, e.g. “administrative stipend” for administrative work or “academic stipend” for academic work. You should always see a frequency of “monthly” on an allowance plan for monthly paid employees.
FREQUENCY: Selecting a frequency of “Monthly” with either the 10 or 5 month pay plan will result in a monthly error in pay that will not display in the system equal to “monthly pay entered” x 12 (system assumption of annual frequency) divided by pay plan length e.g. 5 or 10.
The “Faculty Monthly” Pay plan will produce a view error displaying a “salary” based on the monthly pay entered that is annualized over 12 months. As long as the start end dates are correct, please disregard this view screen. Adjust the contract term by entering the correct beginning dates and end dates.
A frequency of “annual” will not ever be selected as this will result in a one time a year payment regardless of the other fields selected.
If you are asked to assign a pay group
Please assign the same pay group already assigned to the employee. This system requests comes to you as a part of another unit’s decision to provide a faculty or staff member in your department with an additional job. The employee cannot be paid in their other role until you assign the pay group. For faculty, post-doctoral fellows and AAPs, the correct pay group is “monthly.”
Cost Sharing and Multiple Cost Centers
A Costing Allocation specifies how some or all of an Employee’s Compensation should be charged to different Cost Centers. At Georgetown this is also called a “Cost Center distribution”. To set up a Costing Allocation, use the “Assign Costing Allocation” process. HR contacts should set up consting allocation assignments after a hire has been completed.
Sharing Appointment Documentation on the Z Drive
Documentation required for faculty appointments such as correspondence and Curriculum Vitae should be uploaded with the signature of the Dean and the School Buiness officer to the Z drive, a secure space used for sharing appointment information among units, Dean’s Offices and the Provost’s Office. Appointment requests can also be sent up to the Provost’s Office in hard copy. Please send an email to the Provost’s office when documentation has been provided via the Z drive.
You may request access to the shared drive as well as information on naming conventions for documents by contacting Kristen Rogers in the Office of Faculty Records.
I-9 Verification
Once a Faculty Member is Hired Department Administrators in their roles as “HR Contacts” in GMS are responsible for scheduling a time to meet with new faculty for on-site completion of the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) on or before the first day of employment. Additional I-9 training will be offered in Spring 2012. Please note that identification information entered into GMS during the Edit ID Information process is not a substitute for I-9 verification.
The Office of Faculty Records and Appointments maintains all official Main Campus faculty and AAP personnel files, including the official appointment letter, in the Office of the Provost, 650 ICC. For additional information regarding faculty records, please contact the Office of the Provost at 7-6400.
For more information about GMS, please see the following website: Georgetown Management System (GMS) Updates and search your question on the Wiki page found under the HR Contacts tab. For instructions and information as it pertains to faculty appointments, please review the GMS Updates page on the Faculty Records website.
Ordinary Faculty Appointments
Ordinary Faculty searches require prior approval of the Provost following the usual academic approval process. No process should be initiated in GMS until an ordinary faculty hire is approved by Dean and Provost
Full Time Non-Ordinary Appointments
Non-Ordinary Full-Time searches require prior approval of Dean and Provost, including agreement on the term and type of appointment. Please see the Framework for non-ordinary faculty appointments for more information on appointment types. Non-ordinary full time positions may be created in GMS as needed. Please send up appointment paperwork when you are ready to complete a hire.
Adjunct Appointments
Adjunct Appointments are per course faculty assignments intended to meet instructional need. In GMS, adjunct seats can be created using the “create position” business process. Appointments can then be requested using the “Appointment Request Form.”
Please note that adjunct positions are intended for per course teaching arrangements, and adjunct responsibilities may not exceed 50% Full Time Effort (FTE.) If your department wishes to extend additional responsibilities to someone hired as an adjunct, we will transfer them into a full time non-ordinary position in GMS. Full time non-ordinary positions allow us to select percentages of Full Time Effort between 50% and 100%, depending upon assignment. 6.8.12
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Post-doctoral fellows are appointed on the recommendation of departmental faculty to department Chairs. Post-docs are researchers typically appointed shortly after the award of the Ph.D. to assist faculty. Post-doctoral appointments may begin at any time of the year, and generally extend for a period of 12 months.
Affiliate Status for Academics (Assigned Relationship (C))
Affiliate status, called “assigned relationship” contingent worker status (C) in GMS is a status that may be recommended by Chairs to Dean and Provost for academics with special ties to the department related to instructional, research, or other academic interests. Affiliate status is an unpaid status. Please upload the “Appointment Request Form” to the “hire” business process when requesting affiliate status for an academic.
Additional Compensation for Faculty
From time to time faculty members may undertake additional responsibilities that warrant additional compensation. There are three common routes to initiate requests for additional compensation in GMS, and you will see all three used depending upon the request. These are “Add Additional Job,” “Request One Time Payment” or “Request Compensation Change -}Allowance Plan. The “Add Additional Job” process allows faculty or a staff member to be assigned an additional role in addition to and separate from their full time position, for which they will receive compensation. The “Request One Time Payment” process allows for a one time payment for a discrete service performed by a faculty member that is in addition to services that can be required in their position. Allowance plans are used to assign additional pay that is provided in connection with ongoing increased responsibilities within one’s primary job that warrant additional compensation such as Department Chair stipends. 6.8.12
We add compensation for faculty teaching additional “overload” courses with the following guidelines in mind:
For Full-time faculty in your supervisory organization teaching an overload course, we will add an “Allowance Plan -> Fee per course” using the “Request Compensation Change” business process.
For Full-time faculty who are not in your supervisory organization, we will use “Add Additional Job” business process and set up the compensation as an “Allowance Plan -> Fee per course.”
For Part-time faculty who pick up additional teaching within your department, we may need to transfer them into a new full time position. 6.8.12