Merit Review Procedures for Administrators
Processing Merit for Faculty
The process for calculating and submitting faculty salary merit increases are updated each year. Information for academic year 2015-2016 will be posted by Nov. 1, 2015.
Memo to Main Campus Administrators Regarding Faculty Merit
To help facilitate the faculty review process, spreadsheets have been placed in your unit folders on the shared Z drive (for faculty and fellows).
The files are called “Spring 2015_Merit Worksheet_[Unit]_[Faculty and Fellows or Admin as applicable]”. The spreadsheets are roster lists that reflect filled positions identified in GMS as primary positions as of 2/1/15 (note: adjunct faculty, temporary, and student positions have been excluded since they not considered merit eligible).
- Review the data in your spreadsheets for accuracy and update as appropriate.
- If corrections are needed, process them via the established Main Campus GMS procedures outlined at:
- For faculty and fellows: - For administrative personnel:
- For faculty and fellows:
- If an individual is missing from your list, please add him/her.
- If an individual is on probation or on leave (e.g., disability leave, leave of absence, sabbatical leave, etc.), indicate it in the Notes column along with the expected probation end date or return from leave date.
- Update the merit base salaries and merit eligibility as needed in the columns highlighted in yellow.
- If an individual is not considered merit eligible, but is expected to continue/return in his/her current position in FY 2016:
- Put “N” in the column labeled “Merit Eligible?”
- Put $0 for the amount in the column labeled “FY15 Merit Base Salary” amount
- If an individual is not expected to continue/return in his/her current position in FY 2016:
- Put “N” in the column labeled “Merit Eligible?”
- Put $0 for the amount in the column labeled “FY15 Merit Base Salary” amount
- Indicate in the column labeled “Notes” that the individual will not be continuing/returning in his/her current position in FY 2016.
- If an individual is not considered merit eligible, but is expected to continue/return in his/her current position in FY 2016:
- Key evaluation scores (as applicable) and merit increase recommendations in the columns highlighted in blue. Please note that we will be checking for consistency in the application of the documented evaluation scoring system in place for the unit (and/or department for faculty and fellows).
- If corrections are needed, process them via the established Main Campus GMS procedures outlined at:
Once approved by the respective Deans or Directors, the completed merit spreadsheets should be submitted to the Main Campus Office of Academic Appointments no later than April 15, 2015 for ABMs and no later than May 1, 2015 for SBMs (please note that these deadlines may change pending the merit upload timeline to be distributed by Financial Affairs next month) – please post the merit spreadsheet submissions, along with all supporting documentation, in your respective folders on the shared Z and Q drives and email Jackie Schlipp. Upon final approval by the Office of the Provost, the new base salaries will be incorporated into the FY 2016 Current Approved Budgets.
Reminder: Discrepancies due to rounding during the merit upload process are typically minimal (up to +/- $10 of the annualized base salary), but unfortunately are unavoidable. If merit letters are issued by your unit, it is advised that the amounts be stated in whole numbers and that you inform your faculty, fellows and administrative personnel that there may be slight differences of up to +/- $10 due to rounding.
If you have any questions or concerns:
For faculty and fellows, please contact Cynthia Chance in the Office of the Provost or Jackie Schlipp in the Main Campus Office of Faculty Affairs.