2022 Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award Winner
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The Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award recognizes a faculty member or faculty team who has used exceptional creativity in the use of innovative approaches to promote student-centered learning. This annual award is based on the demonstrated success of the innovation, as well as evidence of impact on students, colleagues, and the potential for wider adoption.

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the 2022 Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award Winner:
The Ethics Project: Teaching Business Ethics Through Student-Created Entrepreneurial Action
Dr. Jason Brennan has been awarded the 2022 Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award for his notable program, “The Ethics Project: Teaching Business Ethics Through Student-Created Entrepreneurial Action.” The goal of the undergraduate course positions students with real opportunities to “think of something good, and do it.” This pedagogical practice is grounded in experiential learning allowing students to address a real-world problem by engaging in critical reflection, relying on interdisciplinary strategies to develop solutions, and engaging in the strategic planning process to see those solutions in action. The ethics project is a living representation of our core value, cura personalis, and mission in educating women and men to be reflective lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life, and to live generously in service to others.