Pathways to Social Justice
The Pathways to Social Justice Curriculum
Georgetown’s Pathways to Social Justice (PSJ) curriculum prepares students to critically analyze historical and contemporary power differentials. A cornerstone of this requirement is the one-credit University Seminar in Race, Power, and Justice, which is designed to ensure that every student at Georgetown develops a baseline vocabulary for discussing racial difference and marginalization. This seminar will provide the foundation for each student’s engagement with other PSJ-attributed “overlay” courses offered across Georgetown’s Main Campus. Starting in Fall 2024, every Georgetown student must take two three-credit PSJ overlay courses prior to graduation.
By fulfilling the Pathways to Social Justice requirement, students will gain a better understanding of how social, political, geographic, economic, and other cultural factors shape experiences of the world, as well as how these factors contribute to marginalization and inequality. PSJ courses will also explore how communities have resisted marginalization, and will focus on axes of identity that have formed the basis for historical and contemporary marginalization and oppression, including race, gender, class, caste, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
For Faculty: Pathways to Social Justice Course Application
As instructors design their courses, they should consider five separate “Instructional Priorities” that lie at the center of the Pathways to Social Justice curriculum. Each overlay course bearing the Pathways to Social Justice attribute must meaningfully incorporate at least three of the five instructional priorities listed below.
Priority 1: Inclusive Scholarship
This priority encourages courses to foreground the scholarship of intellectuals who have historically been marginalized from fields of academic study.
Priority 2: Intersectional Approaches to Identity
The Intersectional Approaches to Identity priority applies to courses that examine how identity develops along multiple axes (e.g. race, gender, class, sexuality, disability, nationality, immigrant and refugee status, etc.) in relation to structures of power.
Priority 3: Historical Legacies of Inequality and Their Contemporary Impacts
Looking to the past is crucial for understanding our current conditions. This priority highlights courses that explore historical phenomena that have generated and intensified inequality, including slavery, colonialism, imperialism, migration, and patriarchy. Courses should consider how historical inequalities persist in the present, and how the recurrence of inequality over time informs the understanding of justice today.
Priority 4: National, Regional, and Global Comparisons
This priority seeks to foreground how specific national, regional, and global contexts shape power relations and visions of justice. In these courses, students will make connections between other regions or nations of the world and their own. In this way, courses should foster an appreciation of how individuals, cultures, and societies—especially non-European societies—have negotiated power relations in the pursuit of justice, and how those lessons may apply to students’ own pursuits.
Priority 5: Imagining Justice
This priority highlights how historically exploited communities have developed ways of thought, being, and social systems that resist oppression, heal from trauma, and seek justice. Courses that meet this priority will offer students a deeper appreciation of scholarship that details strategies used to survive and, perhaps, overcome systemic and structural oppression.
Approved Overlay Courses:
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
CAS | AMST | 1101-01 | Race and Class in DC | Sherry Linkon |
CAS | AMST | 3270 | Workers in the American Food System | Mireya Loya |
CAS | AMST | 3700 | Policing America | Brian Hochman |
CAS | ANTH | 1001 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | Amrita Ibrahim |
CAS | ANTH | 1001 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | Nejm Benessaiah |
CAS | ANTH | 1175 | Crisis and Creativity in the Arab World | Laurie King |
CAS | ANTH | 2218 | Race and Diversity | Liliana Duica-Amaya |
CAS | ANTH | 2250 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology | Sylvia Wing Önder |
CAS | ANTH | 2256-01 | Disability and Culture | Sylvia Wing Önder |
CAS | ANTH | 2270 | Solidarity Forever | Brandon Hunter-Pazzara |
CAS | ANTH | 2272 | Strike! | Brandon Hunter-Pazzara |
CAS | ANTH | 2283 | Moral Economies | Vanessa Watters Opalo |
CAS | ANTH | 3327 | Intersectional Ecologies | Nejm Benessaiah |
CAS | ANTH | 4258-01 | Cultures of Childbirth | Sylvia Wing Önder |
CAS | ARAB | 4893 | Introduction to Arabic Sociolinguistics | Ahmad Alqassas |
CAS | ARTH | 2850 | Latin America II | Andrea Huezo |
CAS | ARTH | 4952 | ProstetArte | Andrea Huezo |
CAS | BLST | 1010 | Introduction to African American Studies | Robert Patterson |
CAS | BLST | 1300 | Diaspora in Latin & Caribbean America | Melanie White |
CAS | BLST | 1550 | Black Athletes on Being Human | LaMonda Horton-Stallings |
CAS | BLST | 1600 | Chocolate Cities | Zandria Robinson |
CAS | BLST | 2140 | Race and Radical Feminisms | Rosemary Ndubuizu |
CAS | BLST | 2160 | Black Digital Films | Brienne Adams |
CAS | BLST | 2250 | Disciplining the Poor | Rosemary Ndubuizu |
CAS | BLST | 3200 | Black Radical Traditions | Rosemary Ndubuizu |
CAS | BLST | 4250-01 | Black British and Caribbean Performance | Anita Gonzalez |
CAS | CASS | 1491-03 | The Sixties | Dennis Williams |
CAS | CASS | 1491-04 | Blackness as an Organizing Strategy | Corey Fields |
CAS | CASS | 1491-13 | Borders | Nicoletta Pireddu |
CAS | CASS | 1491-18 | Justice, Identity, and Power in Education | Sabrina Wesley-Nero |
CAS | ECON | 1055 | Managing People | Emily Nix |
CAS | ECON | 1056 | Poverty and Inequality | Caue Dobbin |
CAS | EDIJ | 2800 | Race, Place, and Education Reform | Nardos Ghebreab |
CAS | EDIJ | 3200 | Seminar in Urban Education | Sabrina Wesley-Nero |
CAS | EDIJ | 4111 | Carceral logics, education, and abolition: Disrupting the school to prison nexus | Kristin Sinclair |
CAS | ENGL | 1482 | Late Romantics | Manu Chander |
CAS | ENGL | 2020 | African American Literature 1903-Present | Amani Morrison |
CAS | ENGL | 2061 | Asian/American Women’s Writing | Peggy Lee |
CAS | ENGL | 2080 | Introduction to Asian American Studies | Christine So |
CAS | ENGL | 2110 | Native American Literature | Lisbeth Fuisz |
CAS | ENGL | 2360 | LGBTQ+ Young Adult Literature and Literacy | J Palmeri |
CAS | ENGL | 2590 | Intro to Game Studies | Amanda Phillips |
CAS | ENGL | 2630 | Law and Literature | Sara Schotland |
CAS | ENGL | 2702 | Grief and Grievance | Libbie Rifkin |
CAS | ENGL | 2980-01 | Whose English? | Elizabeth Catchmark |
CAS | ENGL | 4130 | Migration, Detention, and Asylum | Sara Schotland |
CAS | ENGL | 4132 | South Asia in the Indian Ocean | Coilin Parsons |
CAS | ENGL | 4145 | Black Home Spaces in the U.S. | Amani Morrison |
CAS | ENGL | 4151 | Staying Cool | Peggy Lee |
CAS | ENGL | 4172 | Afterlives of US Imperalism | Christine So |
CAS | ENGL | 4257 | Disability Narratives | Theodora Danylevich |
CAS | ERTH | 2240 | Environmental Justice | Randall Amster |
CAS | ERTH | 2250 | Environmental Justice | Tim Bartley |
CAS | ERTH | 4040 | International Approaches to Community-based Conservation | Brian Griffiths |
CAS | FMST | 2432 | Prison Literature | Sara Schotland |
CAS | FMST | 3355 | Documentary Film: History and Theory | Sky Sitney |
CAS | FMST | 3398 | Gaming and Justice | Amanda Phillips |
CAS | FMST | 3399 | CBL: Social Justice Documentary | Bernie Cook |
CAS | FREN | 4555 | Visions of Empire, 1800-Present | Johann Le Guelte |
CAS | GERM | 4180 | Black Germany | Verena Kick |
CAS | GOVT | 2219 | Prisons and Punishment | Marc Howard |
CAS | GOVT | 2609 | Race in International Relations | Desh Girod |
CAS | GOVT | 3824 | Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs | David Hollenbach |
CAS | GOVT | 4231 | Race, Gender, and American Politics | Nadia Brown |
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
CAS | HIST | 099-02 | Rio de Janeiro | Bryan McCann |
CAS | HIST | 1099-16 | Asian American Labor History | Crystal Luo |
CAS | HIST | 1099-26 | US Working Lives | Joseph McCartin |
CAS | HIST | 1106 | The Atlantic World | Allison Games |
CAS | HIST | 1150 | Global History of Skateboarding | Bryan McCann |
CAS | HIST | 1201 | Africa II | Meredith McKittrick |
CAS | HIST | 3815 | Latnix Social Movements | Mireya Loza |
CAS | HIST | 4216 | Apartheid | Meredith McKittrick |
CAS | IDST | 1491 | Discovering Culture through Language | Sylvia Onder |
CAS | IDST | 4106-01 | Environmental Inequality | Meredith McKittrick |
CAS | IGST/CASS | 1491-17 | Disability, Culture, and the Question of Care | Libbie Rifkin |
CAS | JOUR | 3368 | Media and Social Justice | Ann Oldenburg |
CAS | JUPS | 1010-01 | Intro to Justice and Peace Studies | Anthony Jenkins |
CAS | JUPS | 1010-03 | Intro to Justice and Peace Studies | Elham Atashi |
CAS | JUPS | 2030 | Conflict Transformation | Anthony Jenkins |
CAS | JUPS | 2040 | Religion in Conflict and Peacebuilding | Shereazade Jafari |
CAS | JUPS | 4070 | Peace Education | Anthony Jenkins |
CAS | LING | 1000-01 | Intro to Language | Lara Bryfonski |
CAS | LING | 2030 | Language and Society | Marissa Fond |
CAS | LING | 2050 | How Languages Are Learned | Meg Montee |
CAS | LING | 2210 | Language and Social Justice | Lourdes Ortega |
CAS | LING | 2360-01 | Language and Food | Cynthia Gordon |
CAS | LING | 5312 | Language and Politics | Nadja Tadic |
CAS | LING | 5322 | African American Language | Minnie Quartey |
CAS | LING | 5350 | Language, Gender and Sexuality | Nadja Tadic |
CAS | MHUM | 1101 | Introduction to Medical Humanities | Lakshmi Krishnan |
CAS | MUSC | 1150 | Music in a Multicultural World | Robyn Stilwell |
CAS | PHIL | 2002 | Bioethics and Disability | Joel Michael Reynolds |
CAS | PHIL | 2090 | Ethics of AI & Health | Joel de Lara |
CAS | PHIL | 2516 | Latin American Philosophy | Clark Donley |
CAS | SPAN | 3287 | Patagonia: Culture at the End of the World | Nicolas Campisi |
CAS | SPAN | 3289 | Extractivism in LATAM Culture | Nicolas Campisi |
CAS | SOCI | 1201 | Equality of Educational Opportunity | Karloyn Tyson |
CAS | SOCI | 3374 | Culture and Consumption | Yuki Kato |
CAS | SOCI | 4119 | Urban Inequality | Carla Shedd |
CAS | SOCI | 4954 | Environmental and Food Justice Movements | Yuki Kato |
CAS | THEO | 2291 | Korean Christianity and Interfaith Justice | Min-Ah Cho |
CAS | THEO | 3202-01 | Black Churches and Ecumenism | Beverly Goines |
CAS | THEO | 3231 | Mystics, Prophets, Heretics | Min-Ah Cho |
CAS | THEO | 3240 | Christian Theology and Mental Health | Elizabeth Antus |
CAS | TPST | 2420 | Performing LGBTQ+ Histories | Sivagami Subbaraman |
CAS | WGST | 4401-90 | Reproductive Health | Tricia Hoefling |
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
GU-Q | ENGL | 2660-70 | Introduction to Environmental Humanities | Victoria Googasian |
GU-Q | HIST | 1802 | US History II | Karine Walther |
GU-Q | HIST | 3609 | America and the Muslim World | Karine Walther |
GU-Q | HIST | 4202 | Africa and the Politico-Economics of Indep | Phoebe Musandu |
GU-Q | IHIST | 1099 | Oral History and African Women’s History | Phoebe Musandu |
GU-Q | IHIST | 1200 | Africa to 1800 | Phoebe Musandu |
GU-Q | IHIST | 1106 | Atlantic World | Trish Kahle |
GU-Q | IHST | 4208 | Topics in African Women’s History | Phoebe Musandu |
GU-Q | IHIST | 4210 | STEM and Power in Africa | Phoebe Musandu |
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
MSB | FINC | 3263-10 | Environment, Social, and Governance Investing | Reena Aggarwal |
MSB | MGMT | 3205 | Intercultural Communications | Rachel Pacheco |
MSB | MGMT | 3277 | Imagination and Creativity | Robert Bies |
MSB | MGMT | 3278 | Courage and Moral Leadership | Robert Bies |
MSB | STRT | 3255 | Moral Foundations of Market Society | Jason Brennan |
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
SFS | AFSP | 3357 | African Politics and Government | Lahra Smith |
SFS | AFSP | 2206 | History of West Africa | Halimat Somotan |
SFS | CMCU | 3397 | Muslim Women and the West | Jonathan Stupple |
SFS | CMCU | 4110 | Saudi Arabia at a Crossroads | Jonathan Stupple |
SFS | CMCU | 4190 | Majoritarianism and Minority Rights | Badar Khan Suri |
SFS | CULP | 2100 | Theorizing Culture and Politics | Arjun Shankar |
SFS | CULP | 2100 | Theorizing Culture and Politics | Shiloh Krupar |
SFS | CULP | 2100 | Theorizing Culture and Politics | Melinda Gonzalez |
SFS | CULP | 2250 | Love in the Time of War | Marios Falaris |
SFS | CULP | 3217-01 | Introduction to Critical Geography | Shiloh Krupar |
SFS | CULP | 329-01 | Caste and Race | Arjun Shankar |
SFS | GHDP | 2252 | Introduction to Global Development | Shareen Joshi |
SFS | INAF | 1010 | Introduction to Critical Geography | Shiloh Krupar |
SFS | ISIM | 4455 | Migrants, Refugees, and the World State | Christi Smith |
SFS | JCIV/INAF | 1766 | Interfaith Marriage in Literature and Film | Meital Orr |
SFS | JCIV | 4445 | The Forensics of Mass Killings | Andrej Umansky |
SFS | REES | 4463 | Memory Wars in Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern Europe | Diana Dumitru |
SFS | STIA | 3181 | Water | Mark Giordano |
SFS | STIA | 3221-01 | Global Health History and Politics | Emily Mendenhall |
School | Department | Course Number | Course Title | Instructor |
SOH | GLOH | 1140 | Introduction to Global Health | Matthew Kavanah |
SOH | GLOH | 1140 | Introduction to Global Health | Shabab Wahid |
SOH | GLOH | 3370 | Pandemics & Politics | Matthew Kavanah |
SOH | HESY | 4008 | Rewriting the Law: A Feminist Perspective on Health | Sheela Ranganathan |