Pathways to Social Justice

The Pathways to Social Justice Curriculum

Georgetown’s Pathways to Social Justice (PSJ) curriculum prepares students to critically analyze historical and contemporary power differentials. A cornerstone of this requirement is the one-credit University Seminar in Race, Power, and Justice, which is designed to ensure that every student at Georgetown develops a baseline vocabulary for discussing racial difference and marginalization. This seminar will provide the foundation for each student’s engagement with other PSJ-attributed “overlay” courses offered across Georgetown’s Main Campus. Starting in Fall 2024, every Georgetown student must take two three-credit PSJ overlay courses prior to graduation.

By fulfilling the Pathways to Social Justice requirement, students will gain a better understanding of how social, political, geographic, economic, and other cultural factors shape experiences of the world, as well as how these factors contribute to marginalization and inequality. PSJ courses will also explore how communities have resisted marginalization, and will focus on axes of identity that have formed the basis for historical and contemporary marginalization and oppression, including race, gender, class, caste, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

For Faculty: Pathways to Social Justice Course Application

As instructors design their courses, they should consider five separate “Instructional Priorities” that lie at the center of the Pathways to Social Justice curriculum. Each overlay course bearing the Pathways to Social Justice attribute must meaningfully incorporate at least three of the five instructional priorities listed below.

Priority 1: Inclusive Scholarship
This priority encourages courses to foreground the scholarship of intellectuals who have historically been marginalized from fields of academic study.

Priority 2: Intersectional Approaches to Identity
The Intersectional Approaches to Identity priority applies to courses that examine how identity develops along multiple axes (e.g. race, gender, class, sexuality, disability, nationality, immigrant and refugee status, etc.) in relation to structures of power.

Priority 3: Historical Legacies of Inequality and Their Contemporary Impacts
Looking to the past is crucial for understanding our current conditions. This priority highlights courses that explore historical phenomena that have generated and intensified inequality, including slavery, colonialism, imperialism, migration, and patriarchy. Courses should consider how historical inequalities persist in the present, and how the recurrence of inequality over time informs the understanding of justice today.

Priority 4: National, Regional, and Global Comparisons
This priority seeks to foreground how specific national, regional, and global contexts shape power relations and visions of justice. In these courses, students will make connections between other regions or nations of the world and their own. In this way, courses should foster an appreciation of how individuals, cultures, and societies—especially non-European societies—have negotiated power relations in the pursuit of justice, and how those lessons may apply to students’ own pursuits.

Priority 5: Imagining Justice
This priority highlights how historically exploited communities have developed ways of thought, being, and social systems that resist oppression, heal from trauma, and seek justice. Courses that meet this priority will offer students a deeper appreciation of scholarship that details strategies used to survive and, perhaps, overcome systemic and structural oppression.

University Seminar in Race, Power, and Justice

Beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, all new undergraduates at Georgetown University will be required to take UNXD 1200 Race, Power, and Justice at Georgetown as the foundation of the new Pathways to Social Justice curriculum requirement. This one-credit course will be offered four times per year, twice in the fall semester and twice in the spring semester. Each session of the course will meet twice per week for six weeks, and will be graded on a pass/fail basis. It will be taught by a diverse, interdisciplinary team of faculty from all of Georgetown’s undergraduate schools, including GU-Q.

Justice is one of Georgetown’s core values. It is central to the idea of “Faith That Does Justice” and informs other key concepts, especially “Community in Diversity,” “Interreligious Understanding,” and “People for Others.” But what is justice, and what does it have to do with Georgetown and its students? These are urgent and timely questions, as the university community reckons with our history, confronts pressing crises of injustice all around us, and works to imagine a more just future on local, national, and global scales. 

This course begins at home, with issues of race, power, and justice connected to Georgetown itself. The course will introduce students to the university’s history and situate Georgetown in relation to its neighbors, the United States, and world. Students will hear from university experts and discover resources that address issues of race, power, and justice at Georgetown. The course will model constructive conversations on difficult issues with people who have differing perspectives.

A pilot version of the course will be offered in the Spring 2024 semester to give students currently at Georgetown an opportunity to take the class and help make it the best possible course for future cohorts of Hoyas.

Faculty who want their courses to count for Pathways to Social Justice credit must submit a short application form by February 21, 2025.

Pathways to Social Justice Course Application

The Oversight Committee will notify instructors of the approval status of their proposed Pathways course prior to the start of student registration. Per the curriculum guidelines ratified by MCEF in 2023, please note that the final syllabi for approved PSJ overlay courses must include a version of the following statement for enrolled students:

This course is designed to fulfill the Pathways to Social Justice requirement in the context of [insert unit/discipline]. This course will complement the foundation provided by the Seminar in Race, Power, and Justice at Georgetown by engaging with the concepts and language you learn in that course and deepening your understanding and application of those concepts as they apply to [insert this course’s subject matter].

In this course, we will focus on the following instructional priorities of the Core Requirement: [three of the five priorities above should be listed here; a brief statement of the rationale for each should be included].

Pathways to Social Justice Curriculum Oversight Committee

Myriam Vuckovic (chair), Associate Professor of Global Health, School of Health

Katherine Chandler, Associate Professor of Culture and Politics, School of Foreign Service

Justin C. Smith, Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, School of Business

Shareen Joshi, Associate Dean, School of Foreign Service

Ivana Komunjer, Professor of Economics, College of Arts & Sciences

Amanda Phillips, Associate Professor of English, College of Arts & Sciences

Carla Shedd, Associate Professor of Sociology, College of Arts & Sciences

Javier Jimenez Westerman, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Approved Overlay Courses:

College of Arts & Sciences
SchoolDepartmentCourse NumberCourse TitleInstructor
CASAMST1101-01Race and Class in DCSherry Linkon
CASAMST3270Workers in the American Food SystemMireya Loya
CASAMST3700Policing AmericaBrian Hochman
CASANTH1001Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyAmrita Ibrahim
CASANTH1001Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyNejm Benessaiah
CASANTH1175Crisis and Creativity in the Arab WorldLaurie King
CASANTH2218Race and DiversityLiliana Duica-Amaya
CASANTH2250Introduction to Medical AnthropologySylvia Wing Önder
CASANTH2256-01Disability and CultureSylvia Wing Önder
CASANTH2270Solidarity ForeverBrandon Hunter-Pazzara
CASANTH2272Strike!Brandon Hunter-Pazzara
CASANTH2283Moral EconomiesVanessa Watters Opalo
CASANTH3327Intersectional EcologiesNejm Benessaiah
CASANTH4258-01Cultures of ChildbirthSylvia Wing Önder
CASARAB4893Introduction to Arabic SociolinguisticsAhmad Alqassas
CASARTH2850Latin America IIAndrea Huezo
CASARTH4952ProstetArteAndrea Huezo
CASBLST1010Introduction to African American StudiesRobert Patterson
CASBLST1300Diaspora in Latin & Caribbean AmericaMelanie White
CASBLST1550Black Athletes on Being HumanLaMonda Horton-Stallings
CASBLST1600Chocolate CitiesZandria Robinson
CASBLST2140Race and Radical FeminismsRosemary Ndubuizu
CASBLST2160Black Digital FilmsBrienne Adams
CASBLST2250Disciplining the PoorRosemary Ndubuizu
CASBLST3200Black Radical Traditions Rosemary Ndubuizu
CASBLST4250-01Black British and Caribbean PerformanceAnita Gonzalez
CASCASS1491-03The SixtiesDennis Williams
CASCASS1491-04Blackness as an Organizing StrategyCorey Fields
CASCASS1491-13BordersNicoletta Pireddu
CASCASS1491-18Justice, Identity, and Power in EducationSabrina Wesley-Nero
CASECON1055Managing PeopleEmily Nix
CASECON1056Poverty and Inequality Caue Dobbin
CASEDIJ2800Race, Place, and Education ReformNardos Ghebreab
CASEDIJ3200Seminar in Urban EducationSabrina Wesley-Nero
CASEDIJ4111Carceral logics, education, and abolition: Disrupting the school to prison nexusKristin Sinclair
CASENGL1482Late RomanticsManu Chander
CASENGL2020African American Literature 1903-PresentAmani Morrison
CASENGL2061Asian/American Women’s WritingPeggy Lee
CASENGL2080Introduction to Asian American StudiesChristine So
CASENGL2110Native American LiteratureLisbeth Fuisz
CASENGL2360LGBTQ+ Young Adult Literature and LiteracyJ Palmeri
CASENGL2590Intro to Game StudiesAmanda Phillips
CASENGL2630Law and LiteratureSara Schotland
CASENGL2702Grief and GrievanceLibbie Rifkin
CASENGL2980-01Whose English?Elizabeth Catchmark
CASENGL4130Migration, Detention, and AsylumSara Schotland
CASENGL4132South Asia in the Indian OceanCoilin Parsons
CASENGL4145Black Home Spaces in the U.S.Amani Morrison
CASENGL4151Staying CoolPeggy Lee
CASENGL4172Afterlives of US ImperalismChristine So
CASENGL4257Disability NarrativesTheodora Danylevich
CASERTH2240Environmental JusticeRandall Amster
CASERTH2250Environmental JusticeTim Bartley
CASERTH4040International Approaches to Community-based ConservationBrian Griffiths
CASFMST2432Prison LiteratureSara Schotland
CASFMST3355Documentary Film: History and TheorySky Sitney
CASFMST3398Gaming and JusticeAmanda Phillips
CASFMST3399CBL: Social Justice Documentary Bernie Cook
CASFREN4555Visions of Empire, 1800-PresentJohann Le Guelte
CASGERM4180Black GermanyVerena Kick
CASGOVT2219Prisons and PunishmentMarc Howard
CASGOVT2609Race in International RelationsDesh Girod
CASGOVT3824Religion, Ethics, and World AffairsDavid Hollenbach
CASGOVT4231Race, Gender, and American PoliticsNadia Brown
College of Arts & Sciences
SchoolDepartmentCourse NumberCourse TitleInstructor
CASHIST099-02Rio de JaneiroBryan McCann
CASHIST1099-16Asian American Labor HistoryCrystal Luo
CASHIST1099-26US Working LivesJoseph McCartin
CASHIST1106The Atlantic WorldAllison Games
CASHIST1150Global History of SkateboardingBryan McCann
CAS HIST1201Africa IIMeredith McKittrick
CASHIST3815Latnix Social MovementsMireya Loza
CASHIST4216ApartheidMeredith McKittrick
CASIDST1491Discovering Culture through LanguageSylvia Onder
CASIDST4106-01Environmental InequalityMeredith McKittrick
CASIGST/CASS1491-17Disability, Culture, and the Question of CareLibbie Rifkin
CASJOUR3368Media and Social JusticeAnn Oldenburg
CASJUPS1010-01Intro to Justice and Peace StudiesAnthony Jenkins
CASJUPS1010-03Intro to Justice and Peace StudiesElham Atashi
CASJUPS2030Conflict TransformationAnthony Jenkins
CASJUPS2040Religion in Conflict and PeacebuildingShereazade Jafari
CASJUPS4070Peace EducationAnthony Jenkins
CASLING1000-01Intro to LanguageLara Bryfonski
CASLING2030Language and SocietyMarissa Fond
CASLING2050How Languages Are LearnedMeg Montee
CASLING2210Language and Social JusticeLourdes Ortega
CASLING2360-01Language and FoodCynthia Gordon
CASLING5312Language and PoliticsNadja Tadic
CASLING5322African American LanguageMinnie Quartey
CASLING5350Language, Gender and SexualityNadja Tadic
CASMHUM1101Introduction to Medical HumanitiesLakshmi Krishnan
CASMUSC1150Music in a Multicultural WorldRobyn Stilwell
CASPHIL2002Bioethics and DisabilityJoel Michael Reynolds
CASPHIL2090Ethics of AI & HealthJoel de Lara
CASPHIL2516Latin American PhilosophyClark Donley
CASSPAN3287Patagonia: Culture at the End of the WorldNicolas Campisi
CASSPAN3289Extractivism in LATAM CultureNicolas Campisi
CASSOCI1201Equality of Educational OpportunityKarloyn Tyson
CASSOCI3374Culture and ConsumptionYuki Kato
CASSOCI4119Urban InequalityCarla Shedd
CASSOCI4954Environmental and Food Justice MovementsYuki Kato
CASTHEO2291Korean Christianity and Interfaith JusticeMin-Ah Cho
CASTHEO3202-01Black Churches and EcumenismBeverly Goines
CASTHEO3231Mystics, Prophets, HereticsMin-Ah Cho
CASTHEO3240Christian Theology and Mental HealthElizabeth Antus
CASTPST2420Performing LGBTQ+ HistoriesSivagami Subbaraman
CASWGST4401-90Reproductive HealthTricia Hoefling
Georgetown University in Qatar
SchoolDepartmentCourse NumberCourse TitleInstructor
GU-QENGL2660-70Introduction to Environmental Humanities Victoria Googasian
GU-QHIST1802US History IIKarine Walther
GU-QHIST3609America and the Muslim WorldKarine Walther
GU-QHIST4202Africa and the Politico-Economics of IndepPhoebe Musandu
GU-QIHIST1099Oral History and African Women’s HistoryPhoebe Musandu
GU-QIHIST1200Africa to 1800Phoebe Musandu
GU-QIHIST1106Atlantic WorldTrish Kahle
GU-QIHST4208Topics in African Women’s History Phoebe Musandu
GU-QIHIST4210STEM and Power in AfricaPhoebe Musandu
McDonough School of Business
SchoolDepartment Course NumberCourse TitleInstructor
MSBFINC3263-10Environment, Social, and Governance Investing Reena Aggarwal
MSBMGMT3205Intercultural CommunicationsRachel Pacheco
MSBMGMT3277Imagination and Creativity Robert Bies
MSBMGMT3278Courage and Moral LeadershipRobert Bies
MSBSTRT3255Moral Foundations of Market Society Jason Brennan
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
SchoolDepartment Course NumberCourse TitleInstructor
SFSAFSP3357African Politics and Government Lahra Smith
SFSAFSP2206History of West AfricaHalimat Somotan
SFSCMCU3397Muslim Women and the WestJonathan Stupple
SFSCMCU4110Saudi Arabia at a CrossroadsJonathan Stupple
SFSCMCU4190Majoritarianism and Minority RightsBadar Khan Suri
SFSCULP2100Theorizing Culture and Politics Arjun Shankar
SFSCULP2100Theorizing Culture and Politics Shiloh Krupar
SFSCULP2100Theorizing Culture and PoliticsMelinda Gonzalez
SFSCULP2250Love in the Time of WarMarios Falaris
SFSCULP3217-01Introduction to Critical GeographyShiloh Krupar
SFSCULP329-01Caste and RaceArjun Shankar
SFSGHDP2252Introduction to Global Development Shareen Joshi
SFSINAF1010Introduction to Critical Geography Shiloh Krupar
SFSISIM4455Migrants, Refugees, and the World StateChristi Smith
SFSJCIV/INAF1766Interfaith Marriage in Literature and FilmMeital Orr
SFSJCIV4445The Forensics of Mass KillingsAndrej Umansky
SFSREES4463Memory Wars in Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern Europe Diana Dumitru
SFSSTIA3181WaterMark Giordano
SFSSTIA3221-01Global Health History and PoliticsEmily Mendenhall
School of Health
SchoolDepartmentCourse NumberCourse TitleInstructor
SOHGLOH1140Introduction to Global HealthMatthew Kavanah
SOHGLOH1140Introduction to Global HealthShabab Wahid
SOHGLOH3370Pandemics & Politics Matthew Kavanah
SOHHESY4008Rewriting the Law: A Feminist Perspective on HealthSheela Ranganathan