Communication to Georgetown University Students 2020

December 18, 2020: WeWork All Access Benefit: Spring 2021 Semester

Dear Georgetown University Students,

During these unprecedented times, Georgetown continues to invest in new ways to enrich your virtual learning experience. For the Spring 2021 semester, we are thrilled to provide our domestic and international students with WeWork’s All Access Benefit, to launch on February 1, 2021.

Whether you need a quiet study space, access to high speed internet or simply a change of environment, WeWork’s 800 global locations are available in 32 U.S. and 88 international cities, providing you with a safe and welcoming environment, easily bookable whenever you need it.

Please note, as students access WeWork locations, they will not be required to adhere to the attestation or testing requirements of the Georgetown University Community Compact, but will be expected to follow any health and safety requirements of WeWork and of the local health authorities. In the spirit of the health and safety precautions in the Compact, students will observe COVID-19 public health best practices (stay home with symptoms or after a known exposure, social distance, wear a mask, etc.). Additional guidance on these requirements is forthcoming.

Students will receive an email in January with further information about how they can opt-in to indicate their interest in taking advantage of this opportunity. Only those undergraduate and graduate students (including medical, law and nursing students) who are enrolled in spring courses (including Ph.D. students writing their dissertations) will be eligible for WeWork access. 

Knowing these are difficult times, we hope this benefit eases the burden of the pandemic on our resilient Georgetown community.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

December 16, 2020: Happy Holidays

Dear Georgetown Students, Faculty and Staff,

I write today to wish you and your family a wonderful and happy winter holiday season.

As I reflect upon this past year, I wish to extend my continued thanks and appreciation to the entire Georgetown community for your dedication, perseverance and embodiment of our Jesuit values. We have been challenged in unprecedented ways. I know that many of us, in the midst of this global pandemic, may have faced challenges this year. 

I hope that the upcoming winter holidays offer a more extended opportunity to rest and reflect. Especially, I hope that you take advantage of the additional days off of December 21-23.

All of us have been working harder these days than is typical. We deserve time to reconnect to family and friends and forget about work for a period of time.

I look forward to 2021 with optimism, and I am certain that the Georgetown community will continue to be strong and united, no matter what the future holds. Thank you, again, for all you do and best wishes for a happy holiday and joyful new year.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

December 14, 2020: Continuation of 10% Tuition Discount for all Undergraduates for Spring 2021

Dear Georgetown University Undergraduate Students,

Thank you for your patience as we prepare for the start of our Spring 2021 semester during the ongoing public health crisis presented by COVID-19.  

As a follow-up to our November 16 message, we want to provide updated information on undergraduate tuition for the Spring 2021 semester. All undergraduate students on the Main Campus of the University—all first-years, sophomores, juniors and seniors, in the Georgetown College, the Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the School of Nursing & Health Studies, and the School of Continuing Studies —will receive a 10% discounted rate on university tuition.

The discounted rate applies to undergraduate students studying on campus and remotely, and to those living in campus residences and those living off campus. It is the University’s intent to most fairly and equitably assess tuition and discounting due to the current public health crisis.

We look forward to the Spring semester with great enthusiasm. We hope you have a safe and healthy holiday.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

December 14, 2020: Complete the Spring 2021 Affirmation by January 6

Dear Students,

Protecting your health and safety is vitally important as we prepare for the return of additional students, faculty, and staff to campus for the Spring 2021 semester. We ask all students to complete the Spring 2021 Affirmation, which informs the University of your location for the Spring 2021 semester and ensures that you receive targeted communications and resources based on that location, including information on how to receive COVID-19 tests through the University’s testing system, if applicable.

All students are required to complete the Spring 2021 Affirmation by January 6, 2021, regardless of where they will be learning in the Spring. Please log into the GU360 website, click on the “Spring 2021 Affirmation” icon and follow the instructions. Please provide the address where you plan to live for the Spring semester based on the University’s current plan to hold some in-person hybrid courses on campus for seniors, graduate students, law students and medical students. If you move anytime after completing the Affirmation, you can update your address by logging into the GU360 website, clicking on the “Spring 2021 Affirmation” icon again and entering your new address.

Students who are approved to be on campus for the Spring semester will not be able to enter campus buildings or participate in on-campus activities until they complete the Spring 2021 Affirmation.

As part of the Spring 2021 Affirmation, students who will be new to campus in the Spring semester, and students newly residing in the neighborhoods of Georgetown, Burleith or Foxhall (“the Neighborhoods”) during the Spring semester will be required to commit to the Georgetown University Community Compact. The Community Compact outlines our mutual responsibilities and the commitments we must make to one another to ensure our daily activities on campus and in the Neighborhoods support public health efforts to prevent and mitigate risks of infection with COVID-19.

Students who signed the Community Compact in the Fall will not need to sign it again, but they will be asked to confirm their Spring address and emergency contact information. 

The Community Compact has been updated and now includes new guidance on student social gatherings and travel to protect the health and safety of our community. Students who reside on campus or in the Neighborhoods, or who are approved to be present on campus, may not congregate socially in groups of more than 10 persons anywhere, on campus or off campus in the DC metropolitan area, unless expressly approved in advance by the University. For the health of our community, we strongly discourage non-essential travel outside of the DC metropolitan area during the Spring semester. If you do travel, you must comply with DC public health requirements of quarantining and testing upon your return. All students living in group houses in the Neighborhoods must self-quarantine if any one of their housemates tests positive and is isolating at home.

If you have questions about the Spring 2021 Affirmation or the Community Compact, please call or email the University’s COVID-19 Helpline to be connected to the appropriate university representative to answer your question:

Every Hoya everywhere has a role to play in reinforcing the healthy behaviors of one another. We are relying on the actions of each of us as a community member to do our part in this time of national and local crisis.

You have our best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season and a restorative winter break.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

November 23, 2020: Thanksgiving Thoughts and Wishes

Dear Georgetown Students, Faculty and Staff,

I write today to wish you and your family a safe and restful Thanksgiving. 

This year has challenged each of us in unprecedented ways. I know that many of you are suffering the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that greatly complicate your lives. These effects create quite rational stresses and anxieties. Those of you in multi-generational households face special burdens, given restrictions on group care services and closures of schools. Those of you whose household members have lost work hours endure lower incomes. All of us are adapting to unusual behaviors necessary to avoid the virus.

I am deeply thankful for your patience, for your commitment to teaching and learning and for your continued embodiment of the ideals of men and women for others. Indeed, while each of us are suffering, we know that many others in the world are facing even more dire straits. They are in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for embodying cura personalis and for the profound care and responsibility for one another in these circumstances. Thank you for voicing your concerns and actively participating in the University’s response to extraordinary challenges. Thank you for supporting each other and the University as we continue to move forward.

I want to express my warm gratitude to you with wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

November 16, 2020: Planning for Spring 2021 Semester (Undergraduate Students)

Dear Georgetown University Undergraduate Students,

I write following President DeGioia’s message earlier today regarding Georgetown’s current plan for the Spring 2021 semester. Let me first note my thanks for your exemplary work under extraordinary circumstances this semester. We all share the deep regret that we cannot assemble all students and faculty together in classrooms, offices, and study spaces to conduct the academic enterprise in a traditional manner. We miss you on campus. I have never been prouder of the Georgetown undergraduate body in dealing with these stressful times.

Students Given Access to the Hilltop campus 

Undergraduates currently housed in residence halls because of special circumstances will remain throughout Spring term. Seniors not currently in DC will be welcomed to campus residence halls for the Spring semester. We will learn over the coming days how many of those students will choose to take advantage of this offer. Both seniors moving into residence halls and those off-campus will have in-person eligibility for classes offered in a hybrid mode as well as access to study and library facilities. It is important to note that this plan is dependent on the course of the pandemic and may be altered under changed circumstances.

For First-Years, New Transfer Students, Sophomores and Juniors

We have listened carefully to your feedback and have shared this information with faculty who are designing their Spring courses now with your input in mind. We are developing an exciting selection of courses, building upon the foundation of online coursework offered in the Fall. We know it is disappointing to know that public health conditions do not allow for all students to return to campus this Spring. We encourage you to continue to engage not only through your coursework, but through the many opportunities to create and be part of the Georgetown community that our Student Affairs group offers. Please also take advantage of department offerings and gatherings hosted by Georgetown’s many Centers and programs, who are anxious to include you in their activities.

Undergraduate Students Approved for Residence Exception 

Undergraduate students who were granted approval in the Fall through the Housing Stability Application process will be able to live on campus along with students who had been invited to return to campus because of academic requirements, and a limited number of Resident Assistants to support this residential community. Students in the BSN program will be contacted by their program leadership regarding their return to campus in the Spring for clinical placements.

Academic Calendar 

For the vast majority of our programs, the first class meeting is later than usual, on January 25, 2021. This gives us all a slightly longer break between semesters and hopefully avoids some of the risk of rising COVID-19 counts. The academic calendar also includes a combined Spring and Easter Break, from March 29 through April 4, 2021. A few graduate programs may have different calendars but most will follow the University’s updated academic calendar. We acknowledge that this will require some adjustment of class schedules. You will soon hear from your Dean with further details.


We will continue the same tuition reductions in place for Fall 2020 (10% for undergraduates and 5% for graduate students) with the exception of Class of 2021 undergraduate students who choose to have physical access to on-campus facilities, subject to density and other public health requirements. We will provide more information to members of the class of 2021 who decide not to have physical access to campus facilities.

Public Health Conditions and Student Responsibilities 

All students, faculty and staff coming to campus or residing on campus must meet all testing protocols, quarantine and public health requirements set forth and accessible through our website. This may include quarantining prior to coming to campus.

Once cleared to return to campus, those on campus two or more days in a week will have viral tests twice a week; those on campus only one day a week will have a single viral test per week. You can find additional information on Health and Safety on the COVID-19 website and in the frequently asked questions which are updated regularly

Mode of Class Delivery 

We expect that only a minority of our courses will have in-person components. They will be accessible only to seniors and graduate students. All other undergraduates will continue exclusively in virtual learning. 


Classrooms have been upgraded technologically, with camera and audio support for Zoom and microphones for instructors. Classes will be cleaned between each usage. Classrooms are set up with physical distancing measures in place. Ample hand sanitizer is available in all buildings. Instructors planning in-person classes will be supported by CETS in a technology check and rehearsal of the use of the classroom equipment.

Study Spaces 

We have heard from our students and understand that study spaces are very important. We plan to make available a number of new study spaces for Spring that include physical distancing, accessed through a new space reservation system similar to the Library’s space reservation system.  We will be in touch as the semester approaches with further details.

International Students 

The University recognizes that this change may have a special impact on international students who may now have new travel plans. For students continuing to study remotely, faculty are planning ways to make it possible for students in distant time zones to continue to engage directly with their professors and classmates. International students who are concerned about their visas should contact the Office of Global Services (OGS) with questions about their specific situations. In general, according to current guidance, continuing international students with existing visas can study online from any location (in the U.S. or abroad) and maintain their active visa status. Please contact the Office of Global Services with any questions. New international graduate students should contact the Office of Global Services to discuss their options. 

WeWork Access

We are working to provide students with  access to WeWork facilities globally. We are assessing the needs of our community members regarding this resource and will develop a pathway for those whose current environment is challenging. WeWork provides office space for individuals in 800 locations in 32 US cities and in 88 cities around the world. We hope this resource will be helpful in supporting our virtual learning environment.

Travel Policy

Due to the continuing impact of the pandemic on global travel, we have decided to continue the moratorium until further notice on University-related international travel for all students, faculty, and staff. There will be very limited exemptions that must be approved by the appropriate campus EVP or the COO (for staff). This decision was made after careful consideration and in the interest of the health and safety of our community.

A Special Summer for the Class of 2024 

Members of the rising class of sophomores, the class of 2024, will be welcomed to live in residential halls and take classes during the Summer of 2021 if public health conditions allow. The University is planning to invite current first-year students for a Summer residential academic experience, making available credit-bearing courses typically taken in the sophomore year of study. 

Student Well-Being 

We are committed to providing support and resources to our students during this challenging time. Most services are being offered virtually, and a description of health and wellness resources can be found on the Mental Health, Wellness and Health Care Resources page

There are many opportunities for engagement in student organizations, activities, and recreation, and these offerings are outlined on the virtual engagement website.

In addition, our Office of Campus Ministry has adapted much of its programming to our virtual environment, and more information for students of all faith traditions can be found on the Office of Campus Ministry website.  

We thank you for your commitment to your studies, to your academic endeavors, and to the University. We must continue to prioritize public health needs in our decision-making, and to work to protect the health and safety of our community. 

You can find additional information on the COVID-19 Resource Center website and in the frequently asked questions, which are updated regularly. If you have additional questions, please call the University’s COVID-19 Helpline at 202-784-3510 (available 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday to Friday) or email to be connected to the appropriate University representative to answer your question.

While we may have faced certain disappointments this year because of the public health pandemic, we are also presented with many new opportunities to engage with each other. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the University in the Spring in the many enriching and diverse ways we define our community – virtually and in-person.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

November 16, 2020: Planning for Spring 2021 Semester (Graduate Students)

Dear Georgetown Graduate Students,

We all share the goal of returning to the traditional Georgetown educational design— close, interpersonal, in-person education supported by our faculty and staff. We all want this pandemic’s effect on our education mission to end. 

Consistent with President DeGioia’s message to you recently, I am delighted to announce that we plan to resume some on-campus activities for graduate students in Spring 2021. As we pledged in Summer 2020, those graduate students who wish to complete the entire academic year in remote learning status can continue to do so. Further, it is important to note that only a subset of the graduate courses will be offered in-person components. You can check the designation of the course during registration to learn whether some in-person component is being considered for the course. Finally, it is important to note that this plan is dependent on the course of the pandemic and may be altered under changed circumstances.

Academic Calendar 

For the vast majority of our programs, the first class meeting is later than usual, on January 25, 2021. This gives us all a slightly longer break between semesters and hopefully avoids some of the risk of rising COVID-19 counts. The academic calendar also includes a combined Spring and Easter Break from March 29 through April 4, 2021. A few graduate programs may have different calendars but most will follow the University’s updated academic calendar. We acknowledge that this will require some adjustment of class schedules. You will soon hear from your Dean with further details.


We will continue the same tuition reductions in place for Fall 2020 (10% for undergraduates and 5% for graduate students) with the exception of Class of 2021 undergraduate students who choose to have physical access to on-campus facilities, subject to density and other public health requirements. We will provide more information to members of the class of 2021 who decide not to have physical access to campus facilities.


Classrooms have been upgraded technologically, with camera and audio support for Zoom and microphones for instructors. Classrooms will be cleaned between each usage. Classrooms feature physically distanced seating. Ample hand sanitizer is available in all buildings. Instructors planning in-person classes will be supported by CETS in a technology check and rehearsal of the use of the equipment.

Study Spaces

We have heard from our students and understand that study spaces are very important. We plan to make available a number of new study spaces for Spring that include physical distancing, accessed through a new space reservation system similar to the Library’s space reservation system. We will be in touch as the semester approaches with further details. 

Health Protocols for Those on Campus 

All faculty, staff and students coming to campus or residing on campus must meet all testing protocols, quarantine and public health requirements set forth and accessible through our website. This may include quarantining prior to coming to campus. 

Once cleared to return to campus, those on campus two or more days in a week will have viral tests twice a week; those on campus only one day a week will have a single viral test per week. You can find additional information on Health and Safety on the COVID-19 website and in the frequently asked questions which are updated regularly

Travel Policy

Due to the continuing impact of the pandemic on global travel, we have decided to continue the moratorium until further notice on University-related international travel for all students, faculty, and staff. There will be very limited exemptions that must be approved by the appropriate campus EVP or the COO (for staff). This decision was made after careful consideration and in the interest of the health and safety of our community.

WeWork Access

We are working to provide students with  access to WeWork facilities globally. We are assessing the needs of our community members regarding this resource and will develop a pathway for those whose current environment is challenging. WeWork provides office space for individuals in 800 locations in 32 US cities and in 88 cities around the world. We hope this resource will be helpful in supporting our virtual learning environment.

Student Well-Being 

We are committed to providing support and resources to our students during this challenging time. Most services are being offered virtually, and a description of health and wellness resources can be found on the Mental Health, Wellness and Health Care Resources page. There are many opportunities for engagement in student organizations, activities, and recreation, and these offerings are outlined on the virtual engagement website.

In addition, our Office of Campus Ministry has adapted much of its programming to our virtual environment, and more information for students of all faith traditions can be found on the Campus Ministry website.

You can find additional information on the COVID-19 Resource Center website and in the frequently asked questions, which are updated regularly. If you have additional questions, please call the University’s COVID-19 Helpline at 202-784-3510 (available 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday to Friday) or email to be connected to the appropriate University representative to answer your question.

We thank you for your commitment to your studies, to your academic endeavors and to the University. We must continue to prioritize public health needs in our decision-making and to work to protect the health and safety of our community. 

While we may have faced certain disappointments this year because of the public health crisis, we are also presented with many new opportunities to engage with each other. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the University in the Spring in the many enriching and diverse ways we define our community— virtually and in-person.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

October 20, 2020: Important Revised Dates for Spring 2021 Planning

Dear Georgetown Students,

Recently you should have received a letter from President DeGioia on the University’s decision to notify the Georgetown community of the Spring 2021 semester plans, no later than November 16, 2020. We understand the impact our Spring plans will have on other aspects of your academic planning, therefore, we have revised a number of important dates as you prepare for the Spring semester.

Course Registration

We are rescheduling course registration from November 2 to November 16 (for graduate students) and November 9 to November 30 (for undergraduate students). This allows additional time for students to plan their Spring semester courses, based on the expected announcement of the University’s plans by November 16. The notice of the schedule of classes will stay the same and will become available in MyAccess on October 26. Details regarding registration times will be forthcoming from the University Registrar.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the additional time before registration begins to meet with their advisors to plan for a successful Spring semester. 

Leave of Absence Notification

Students who elected to take a Leave of Absence during the Fall 2020 semester were earlier informed they had to notify their advising deans of their plans to return in the Spring semester no later than November 1. The University has rescheduled the deadline for notification to Friday, November 20.

Tuition Assessment and Billing  

The University has also delayed the issuance of billing statements, originally scheduled for November 17. Graduate students should tentatively expect to receive their Spring tuition bill in early December while undergraduate students should tentatively expect to receive theirs in mid-December. 

I wish to thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to make the necessary adjustments to our normal operations to better assist you during this unprecedented time.


Rohan Williamson, Vice Provost for Education

September 18, 2020: Update on Fall 2020 Plans

Dear Graduate Students,

We write to provide an update on our plans and expectations regarding return to campus this Fall. We announced (Main Campus)(GUMC) at the end of July that, during the semester, we would examine what academic activities could be offered in a hybrid format, including in person on campus this Fall. 

In addition to accommodating graduate students who require experiential laboratory/simulation/clinical experiences, we had also hoped to be able to gradually invite graduate students to classes for in-person learning. Unfortunately, based on the trajectory of the virus, as well as current DC regulations, at this date, we are unable to move forward with plans to return whole programs for in-person classes on the Main and Medical Center campuses at this time. 

However, if conditions improve, we hope to be able to invite a small number of graduate level classes to conduct face-to-face sessions later in the semester. Moving ahead would require meeting a number of preconditions not currently present: continued limitation of the spread of the pandemic in the District of Columbia; accelerated turn around time in test results; and acceptable levels of compliance with the Georgetown University Community Compact and other public health metrics. 

We will continue to monitor the public health concerns that guide our decision-making and will promptly reach out to you with any adjustments or changes to planning. 

We thank you for your patience and cooperation as we navigate the academic year through this pandemic.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences

September 8, 2020: COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocol Violations

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

We all have a shared responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and abide by the health and safety guidelines of the Georgetown University Community Compact (“Community Compact”), the District of Columbia and the federal government.

Among those measures specified in the Community Compact, those on campus or students living in the Georgetown, Burleith, or Foxhall neighborhoods (“Neighborhoods”) must:

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth at all times (except when alone in a room, when eating/drinking, when in your personal residence without guests, or when exercising outdoors with at least six feet of physical distancing);
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least six feet;
  • Limit non-university-sponsored gatherings to no more than ten individuals; and
  • Complete a daily health attestation in order to access University buildings, if approved to be on campus.

Reports of low-level noncompliance — such as not wearing a mask, if compliant when reminded, or not practicing physical distancing in a brief and apparently unintentional way — will be handled at the campus-level and individuals will be provided with educational information on adherence moving forward.

Reports of serious or persistent noncompliance — such as gathering in groups of more than ten people, not abiding by quarantine/isolation requirements, or repeated lower level violations — will be referred to the appropriate University campus disciplinary body for investigation and adjudication. This referral may result in ongoing suspension of access to campus and University facilities, and corrective or disciplinary actions and sanctions under the procedures set forth in the applicable Student Code of Conduct or professionalism, the Faculty Responsibilities Code, or Human Resources policies, as applicable.

If a student or faculty or staff member observes an individual or group whom they suspect is not acting in accordance with established health and safety protocols, they can report these incidents through the COVID-19 Incident Report Form. Reports will be referred to the relevant campus official for follow up. Your good faith reporting is protected by the University’s whistle-blower protection policy. Examples of behaviors to report include concerns about gatherings of more than ten people, failure to wear a mask or comply with physical distancing guidelines, or failure to adhere to quarantine/isolation protocols.

In addition, we have launched a new “Public Health Ambassador” program on the Main, Medical and Law campuses as part of our Redeploy Georgetown program. These individuals will be easily identified and will be present on campus and in the Neighborhoods to remind members of our community to adhere to public health guidelines, provide free masks, and answer any questions.

All of us must do our part to reinforce the healthy behaviors of one another. Thank you for your commitment to protect the health and safety of each other and all members of the Georgetown community.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officerc

September 4, 2020: Extension of Add/Drop Deadline Fall 2020

Dear Georgetown University Main Campus Students,

We recognize that the current transition to virtual learning for the Fall Semester 2020 may present challenges making it more difficult to make decisions regarding the Fall course schedule within our current Add/Drop schedule. These challenges may be heightened during the COVID-19 environment. In addition, if you are enrolled in a class that only meets once a week, the current Add/Drop schedule may not provide you with enough time to make an informed decision if you have encountered technical issues. In all cases, we encourage you to meet with your faculty and academic advisors to discuss your course options.

The University will extend the Add/Drop deadline from Friday, September 4, 2020 to Monday, September 14, 2020 to allow you additional time to make an informed decision on your Fall course schedule while under COVID-19 constraints.

Tuition will be refunded at 100% for any courses dropped during the extended Add/Drop period, and tuition will be charged at 100% for any courses added during the extended add/drop period. The last day for withdrawals with tuition refunded at 100% will be September 15. Otherwise, tuition refund calendars for withdrawals are unaffected by this change.

Thank you for your hard work this semester, and we look forward to an exciting and productive Fall term together.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

August 28, 2020: Enhanced COVID-19 Testing Requirements for Our Community

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

As we begin our limited on-campus activity for the Fall 2020 semester, we are writing with more information about our ongoing testing strategy to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Beginning on Tuesday, September 1, we will implement enhanced testing requirements as part of the University’s protocol for routine testing of community members with a regular presence on campus and students residing in the Georgetown, Burleith, or Foxhall neighborhoods (“Neighborhoods”). Routine testing is an important element of the COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures described in the Georgetown University Community Compact. Please carefully review the information below and sign up for testing, as appropriate.

Testing Schedule

In general, if you are on campus two or more times per week, you should be tested twice each week. If you are on campus once per week or are a student residing in the Neighborhoods, you should be tested once each week. Below is a summary of ongoing testing requirements by population. Please refer to these frequently asked questions and the full breakdown of testing requirements and exceptions to routine testing.

Testing two days per week (Tests ideally should be taken two to four days apart; please note there is no testing offered on Saturdays or Sundays):

  • On-campus residents
  • Approved non-residents (faculty, staff, and students) regularly present on campus two or more non-consecutive days per week
  • Contractors regularly present on campus two or more non-consecutive days per week (they should be tested the weeks they are on campus)

Testing one day per week:

  • Approved non-residents (faculty, staff, and students) present on campus one day per week or less, or only on campus for two consecutive days per week (e.g., those who only come to campus on Mondays and Tuesdays should get tested once per week)
  • Students residing off-campus in the Georgetown, Burleith or Foxhall Neighborhoods

Required Consent Form

If you have not already done so, you must sign the consent form, which authorizes One Medical to release your COVID-19 test results and your daily risk badge status reported through the mobile application to Georgetown. Failure to consent will generate a red Building Access Badge and restrict your access to campus buildings. Georgetown will continue to comply with all applicable privacy, confidentiality, and public health laws related to collection and maintenance of testing and other health-related records. Georgetown’s public health team cannot keep our community safe without having access to this information.

Scheduling and Taking Your Tests 

If you are approved to live, study, or work on campus, you should self-schedule your appointments through the One Medical app or website and select an on-campus testing site. Tests will be available on both the Main Campus and Law Center campuses. New slots are added daily, so please continue to check the app for appointment availability. You will get your test results via a secure message in your One Medical account. 

If you already have signed up for a testing appointment on the Main Campus next week, please note that the testing site has moved from the Healey Family Student Center to McDonough Gym.

Students living in the Neighborhoods should order a weekly at-home test kit and follow the instructions as noted, in lieu of testing on campus. One Medical will ensure that you receive one kit weekly until Thanksgiving.

If you have any questions or concerns about the testing process or the One Medical app, please contact One Medical at 1-888-ONEMED1 (1-888-663-6331) or

For general inquiries about COVID-19, please call or email the University COVID-19 Helpline so that the appropriate University representative can answer your questions:

We will regularly review the University’s testing protocol with the appropriate University bodies, including our faculty led Public Health Planning Group.  

Every Hoya, everywhere has a role to play in keeping our community safe. We are grateful for all of your efforts to contribute to the health and safety of those around you while preparing for your usual responsibilities this Fall. 


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

August 27, 2020: Student Behavior and New COVID-19 Student Conduct Policies

Dear Georgetown Students:

As we begin the new academic year and welcome back a limited number of individuals to campus and many students to the neighborhoods, it is important we take the time to remind you of the importance of complying with the health and safety guidelines of the Georgetown University Community Compact (“Community Compact”), the District of Columbia and the federal government, and the significant potential repercussions for those who violate these rules.

It is important to emphasize that we will only be successful in returning to campus if together we all comply with these critical safety guidelines and acknowledge that our public health responsibilities do not end at the boundaries of our campus. This email will outline our policies and how we will address violations of new measures employed to keep each other safe. We are focusing on educating our community about the importance of these measures and that we must all work together to reduce transmission of the virus.

You must adhere to the rules set forth in the Community Compact and the Code of Student Conduct, including the Office of Student Conduct’s COVID-19 Impact and Related Student Policies, which include sanctions for violations of public health guidance. If you violate these policies you pose a threat to public health, and as such, your violation will be adjudicated in an expedited manner, and significant policy violations will result in severe sanctions including disciplinary suspension or dismissal. An expedited process will be in place to adjudicate violations of these policies and sanctions will remain in place while any appeals might be considered. As stated in the Code of Student Conduct, if it is determined that a violation of the Code occurred at your residence, all residents may be held accountable unless compelling information, as determined by the Conduct Officer, is presented during the adjudication of the case.

We will be strictly enforcing the new policies for students living on and off campus. As a reminder, here are the guidelines for required behavior, which include: 

  • A prohibition on hosting or attending non-university-sponsored gatherings of more than ten (10) individuals; 
  • Wearing masks over your nose and mouth at all times (except when alone in a room, when eating/drinking, when in your personal residence without guests, or when exercising outdoors with at least six feet of physical distancing);
  • Maintaining six feet of physical distance between you and any other person outside of your household even when gathering in groups fewer than ten; and
  • Adhering to University and DC public health directions and policies relating to COVID-19 testing, quarantine, isolation and other health and safety measures.

We do not expect you to spend the semester alone, and there are still safe ways to gather with friends.

  • Small, physically-distanced gatherings of 10 people or fewer in backyards, on-campus outdoor spaces or other outdoor locations in walking distance are safest.
  • While students living off-campus are not able to access campus buildings, they are welcome to join with small groups of physically-distanced friends on campus grounds.
  • Even when in groups of 10 or fewer – both indoors or outdoors – everyone should wear masks and maintain at least six feet of distance.
  • If you are feeling sick, you should stay at home.

It is important that you familiarize yourself with these new directives and encourage others to do the same. As the public health crisis is constantly evolving, the University will continue to monitor, adjust and communicate any changes to the Student Conduct COVID-19 Policies, when necessary. Questions about the policies can be sent to

Please know that these measures have been put in place with the health and safety of all members of the Georgetown community as our paramount concern. We encourage you to maintain these practices – as Every Hoya, Everywhere has a role to play in keeping our community safe.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

August 10, 2020: Financial Aid and Billing for Fall 2020

Dear Georgetown Students and Families:

On Friday, July 31, the university communicated to many continuing students who receive financial aid about their 2020-21 aid packages. We regret that we created confusion and concern for many recipients and caused some students and other members of our community to question whether we are honoring our commitments to affordable access.

As many of you know, Georgetown is one of only a few dozen colleges that maintains “need-blind” admissions, and a “meet-full-need” financial aid program for undergraduates. In addition, this year we announced a 10 percent reduction in undergraduate tuition, which amounts to $2,900 for full-time students. Today we wanted to provide some important updates on steps that we are taking for the Fall 2020 semester to further support students and their families:

  • Earlier last week, we clarified that a tuition credit of up to $2,900 will be posted to the accounts of financial aid recipients with any amount of family contribution. This credit will be applied to the billing statement distinctly and separately from the GU Scholarship reported on award letters, because by offering this discount, Georgetown is going beyond its traditional commitment to meet students’ full financial need.
  • Georgetown will waive the student summer work contribution entirely, and will issue revised financial aid awards reflecting this waiver no later than August 26.
  • Georgetown will consider requests for reconsideration of aid eligibility resulting from the reduction of 2020 income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and families may begin this process now. They may also begin to request reconsideration of aid eligibility for other reasons, including changes in their housing status and expenses for the Fall 2020 semester. 
  • Georgetown will delay planned distribution of undergraduate billing statements and set billing due dates, payment plans, and penalty assessment plans to afford maximum flexibility to students and families. Tuition will be charged on Monday August 31, and billing statements will be issued on Tuesday, September 1. Payment plans will be offered with no enrollment fees, eliminated interest, and extended time horizons. Payment will be due September 30, but Georgetown will not penalize undergraduate students for overdue balances until the end of October.
  • Undergraduate students with completed financial aid applications will be able to apply for emergency loans in an increased amount ($2,500) to cover books and other expenses, starting on August 16.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. Students and parents can direct financial aid questions to the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) by calling 202-687-4547 or emailing Billing questions may be directed to Student Accounts, at 202-687-7100 or where they can expect a response within one (1) business day.

Georgetown’s commitment to financial aid is stronger than ever. This year we budgeted $140 million towards undergraduate financial aid, the most ever, and will devote at least $20 million more for Fall 2020 to fulfill these changes we’re sharing with you today. Please know that we intend to move ahead as carefully and thoughtfully as possible with the best intentions and with the goal of putting students first. 


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

August 5, 2020: Grading Policy for Fall 2020

Dear Georgetown University Main Campus Students, Faculty, and Staff,

We look forward to beginning the Fall semester in just a few weeks. Taking into account student response to the Spring grading policy, and as recommended by the Main Campus Executive Faculty, the University will implement the grading policy outlined below for the Fall semester.

An important change to note is that students will have until the last study day to choose the grading method, as opposed to the last day of class, as in the Spring semester. Similarly, students will have until the last study day to withdraw from a course. Modular courses within the term will have the withdrawal deadline of the last day of class for that module.

For Undergraduates Students in the Fall Term:  

• Undergraduate students will have the option to choose one of two grading frameworks, either:

(1) a letter grade, or 

(2) Satisfactory (S); Credit (CR); or No-credit (NC): (S=grades A through C; CR=C-, D+, D; NC=F)

• Students can make this choice in MyAccess, beginning on September 7 until the last study day on December 10 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

• The choice to take a class S/CR/NC can apply to any course: core, major, minor, certificate or free elective. 

• The choice can be made without permission from the deans (per the usual process).

• The S/CR/NC options will not be counted toward the stated maximum of student’s degree programs (e.g., “six” as outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin). 

• The course withdrawal date will also be extended to the last study day, December 10 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. Modular courses within the term will have the withdrawal deadline of the last day of class for that module.

• A transcript notation for Fall 2020 will explain that S/CR/NC was instituted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For Graduate Students in the Fall Term:

• Graduate students in programs that opt in to this policy will be able to choose one of two grading frameworks, either:

(1) a letter grade, or 

(2) Satisfactory (S) or No-credit (NC): (S=grades A through C; NC=C-, D+, D, F)

• Students can make this choice in MyAccess beginning on September 7 until the last study day on December 10.

• Individual programs may exclude any or all courses from the S/NC grading modality; a list of exempted courses should be submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic affairs in the Graduate School as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, August 14.

• Requests by graduate students in programs that have opted into the policy must be approved by the appropriate director of graduate studies or dean, and by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the Graduate School.

• The withdrawal date will also be extended to the last study day, December 10 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. Modular courses within the term will have the withdrawal deadline of the last day of class for that module. Late withdrawal is only available to graduate students in programs that have opted in to the policy. 

• A transcript notation for Fall 2020 will explain that S/NC was instituted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We thank students and faculty, both for your enthusiasm approaching the Fall term, and for your patience as, together, we work through the many challenges the current public health crisis has presented. We look forward to the start of Fall classes and to joining each other in Georgetown’s community of learning.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

July 29, 2020: Changes for Fall Semester 2020

Dear Georgetown Main Campus Undergraduate Students, Faculty and Staff,

I write to follow up on President DeGioia’s message earlier today regarding Georgetown’s plan for the Fall 2020 semester. We will begin on time, using the academic schedule previously announced. As noted in his letter, all courses will begin in virtual mode. Undergraduate and Graduate level classes will begin in a virtual mode, with in-person elements added as soon as public health conditions permit, with the intention that some programs will transition to a hybrid virtual and in-person format. We understand this may change our students’ plans for the semester. We will regularly announce updates, monitoring the public health circumstances which would allow for a return to the classroom physically as well as virtually.


In recognition of the impacts of this decision, all students in credit-bearing undergraduate and graduate courses, will be offered a tuition discount. This discount will apply to students regardless of whether the original modality of the program was on-campus or online.

All undergraduate students will be offered a tuition discount of 10%. Room and board reductions for undergraduate students on campus will remain in place. 

There will be a 5% reduction in the Fall tuition for all graduate and professional students at Georgetown. This discount reflects the changed access to some services for graduate students during the virtual experience. 

Undergraduate Students Approved for Residence Exception

Undergraduate students who were granted approval through the Housing Stability Application process, will be able to live on campus along with students who had been invited to return to campus because of academic requirements and a limited number of Resident Assistants to support this small residential community. Any students coming to the District of Columbia from states designated by the District of Columbia as high risk are required to self-quarantine for 14 days after traveling to the District. 

First-year students whose personal or family situation makes it impossible or unrealistic to pursue their studies at their permanent address may apply for a limited number of on campus spaces. More information on this process will be shared with the class of 2024 shortly. 

All students must complete the “Fall 2020 Affirmation” form by logging in to GU360. Any students who are on campus—as well as those students living in the surrounding neighborhoods—will be expected to adhere to our Community Compact. Students who fail to comply will face student sanctions.

Graduate Students

All classes will be online for at least the first four weeks of the semester. We will be re-evaluating regularly whether at some point after September 28 classes or other activities can be offered in a hybrid format, in which students and faculty may choose whether to be on campus or participate remotely. If we make a decision to resume classes in a hybrid format, we will give you at least three weeks notice so that you will have time to move to DC if you choose to participate on campus.

International Students

The University recognizes that this change may have a special impact on international students and it is working to create a rich learning experience for them. Faculty and students are planning ways to make it possible for students in distant time zones to engage directly with their professors and classmates. International students who are concerned about their visas should contact the Office of Global Services (OGS) with questions about their specific situations. In general, according to current guidance, continuing international students with existing visas can study online from any location (in the U.S. or abroad) and maintain their active visa status. 

Members of the incoming first-year class who are F1 visa holders will be invited to return to campus. Please contact the Office of Global Services with any questions. New international graduate students should contact the Office of Global Services to discuss their options. 


Our plans for restarting research on campus will continue as announced. We plan to expand our research capacity as testing and public health guidelines allow, according to our research plan submitted to and accepted by the District of Columbia. We will have more information about the restart efforts at our Research Town Hall on Thursday, July 30 from 11 to noon. Faculty should please watch email for Zoom information.

Courses Designed for an Online Experience

The University has developed an exciting array of courses to be offered in this online environment, building upon the foundation of online coursework offered in the Spring. Faculty have been working hard to design their courses for an online experience, and to engage students in new ways.

Classroom Renovations

For the past two months, we have been renovating classrooms to enhance teaching and learning technology. Specifically, we have been planning classroom upgrades with students in mind, preparing for students to return to campus and for the possibility of hybrid and other flexible modes of instruction. 

Library Services
The Library has been developing plans for enhanced services and will soon make detailed information available for faculty, staff and students. The Library plans will address graduate students’ needs as we look forward to a gradual transition back to on-campus learning.

Academic Staff Teleworking
Most academic staff members will continue to telework. Certain staff members currently eligible for telework may be expected to return to campus based upon their roles, the academic and research needs of our community, and the needs of students and researchers on campus. More information will follow from supervisors related to teleworking and timing of a return to campus.

Together, we must acknowledge that this is an unprecedented time of change at the University, in the nation, and across the globe. At Georgetown, we will continue to prioritize public health needs in our decision-making, and work assiduously to protect the health and safety of our community. You can find additional information on the Fall 2020 website and in the frequently asked questions which are updated regularly. We look forward to welcoming all in our virtual community in a few weeks – an environment that will explore the best of Georgetown, teaching and learning together, and caring for each other.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

July 23, 2020: Georgetown University Community Compact

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community:

As President DeGioia wrote in his message on July 6, protecting the health and safety of the Georgetown University community is a vitally important priority as we resume on-campus academic and research activities and prepare for the return of our students, faculty, and staff to campus for the Fall semester. Please carefully review the health and safety measures we are implementing for the Fall semester and take the actions indicated below to assist with our safe return to campus. 

Our mission of cura personalis calls each of us at this time to bear individual responsibility to help protect the health and safety of the entire community.

All students, faculty, and staff – including if you are already working or living on campus, returning to campus, or not returning to campus for the Fall semester – must complete a Fall 2020 Affirmation. You will be asked to indicate whether you plan to come onto any Georgetown University-owned, managed, or controlled property (jointly, “campus”) or, if you are a student, whether you will live in the neighborhoods of Georgetown, Burleith, or Foxhall (the “Neighborhoods”) at any time during the Fall 2020 semester. You also will be asked to verify the address where you will be learning or working from for the Fall semester and to update your emergency contact information. It is important to collect this information to protect the health and safety of our community and to provide appropriate support services to our community, regardless of where you may be learning or working during the Fall.

Staff and AAPs who are not already working on campus will be notified by your managers in the days ahead regarding your work status for the Fall semester and should not complete the Fall 2020 Affirmation until you have heard from your supervisor as to whether you will be teleworking or working on campus.  

As part of the Fall 2020 Affirmation, all individuals currently living or working on campus, or who will be coming onto campus in the Fall semester, and students residing in the Neighborhoods during the Fall semester will be required to commit to the Georgetown University Community Compact (“Community Compact”), which outlines our mutual responsibilities and the commitments we must make to one another to ensure our daily activities on campus and in the Neighborhoods support public health efforts to prevent and mitigate risks of infection with COVID-19.

Please log into the GU360 website, click on the “Fall 2020 Affirmation” icon, and follow the instructions.

For undergraduate students who will live in the Neighborhoods this fall, please note the District of Columbia Zoning Commission is expected to waive the on-campus residency requirement for the 2020-21 academic year, and you will not be subject to discipline for not meeting it.

Compliance with Health and Safety Measures

To protect the health and safety of our community, it is imperative that students, faculty, and staff on campus for the Fall, and students living in the Neighborhoods, comply with the provisions of the Community Compact and all health and safety measures established by the University, the District of Columbia, and the federal government.

We are relying on the actions of each of us as a community member to do our part in this time of national and local crisis. The Georgetown community has always been committed to the wellbeing of others. Each member of our community should reinforce the healthy behaviors of one another.

Individuals who fail to follow the University’s health and safety measures could endanger others and may be required to immediately leave campus.  In addition, serious or persistent noncompliance may result in ongoing suspension of access to campus and University facilities, and corrective or disciplinary actions and sanctions under the procedures set forth in campus student codes of conduct or professionalism, the Faculty Responsibilities Code, and Human Resources policies, as applicable.

University Helpline and FAQs

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact our University Helpline between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EDT Monday to Friday at 202-784-3510. We also encourage you to view this set of FAQs, which may be helpful in providing further information and will be updated regularly.

We are deeply grateful for your care for and commitment to the Georgetown University community. As we prepare for the Fall semester, we will be guided by cura personalis in all of our work together.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President of Health Sciences

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

July 21, 2020: Fall 2020 Undergraduate Tuition, Housing and Dining Charges

Dear Undergraduate Students and Families,

Earlier this month we shared Georgetown’s plan for Fall 2020. In recognition of the impacts of COVID-19 and our plans for returning students to campus, we have examined our undergraduate student tuition, fees, housing and dining charges. 

In order to reduce density on our campus and in our residence halls, we are planning to begin the Fall semester by limiting the number of undergraduates on our campus to approximately 2,000, including the following groups of students:

  • Members of the first-year class, the Class of 2024;
  • Students whose personal or family situation makes it impossible or unrealistic to pursue their studies at their permanent address;
  • A limited number of seniors and other students whose graduation requirements and academic program present the greatest need to have an on-campus presence; and,
  • Some student Resident Assistants to support this small residential community.

Our ability to implement this plan is dependent on DC government approval and the course of the pandemic.

To further support the health of our community, we have altered the undergraduate academic calendar to reduce the amount of travel by buses, trains and airplanes during the term. This is an effort to reduce the risk of infection for students, faculty and staff. Except for some early offerings, classes will begin on August 26, the Labor Day and mid-semester holiday will be eliminated, and the last hybrid mode undergraduate class on Main Campus will be on November 20, with the remainder of classes to be held in virtual mode only through December 8. Most undergraduates in Main Campus residence halls will depart their residence halls after their last on-campus class on November 20, and will remain at their home location rather than return to campus after Thanksgiving.

For those students on campus, the University is implementing a number of steps to support their health and safety. These include, among other things, personal daily symptom screening; viral testing; enhanced cleaning of common spaces; extra food service precautions; reconfigured spaces to account for physical distancing; and housing all students in single-occupancy bedrooms.

For the Fall semester, 2020, students who are not invited back to campus will receive a 10 percent reduction in tuition. The University takes this step in recognition that undergraduate students who return to campus will have access to certain services that will be unavailable to off-campus students.

Students invited back to live on campus will be charged the previously announced tuition for Fall 2020. However, in recognition of the impacts of the health precautions on residence life, they will be charged the lower double-occupancy rate instead of the higher single-occupancy rate for their housing. Further, both housing and dining charges will be reduced by 20 percent to account for the shorter length of the semester. Eligibility for financial aid will be reviewed by the Office of Student Financial Services, and any aid offered will be revised where necessary to incorporate these and any future changes in our tuition, housing and dining charges. If, prior to the start of the Fall semester, public health concerns preclude having any undergraduates on campus, all undergraduates will receive the 10 percent discount.

Regardless of whether courses use in-person or virtual instructional modes, all undergraduate students will continue to receive an impactful, quality Georgetown education. Faculty members are planning new and innovative ways to use virtual learning technologies, and we are planning events and access to speakers from around the world that make the most of the online platform. Our staff members in the Office of Students Affairs are working on inventive ways to create virtual events that support clubs and affinity groups. And Georgetown’s vital student services will continue to be available to all students.

We recognize the significant investments students and families make to pursue a Georgetown education. We continue to minimize tuition increases, and we maintain our deep commitment to attracting the most promising students regardless of their financial circumstances. To support that commitment, Georgetown continues to be one of only a few dozen colleges that maintains a “need-blind” admissions and a “meet-full-need” financial aid program for undergraduates, meaning that every student admitted to Georgetown through a rigorous selection process can attend regardless of their ability to pay. Our commitment to these values remains strong, and during this unprecedented and challenging time we will continue to work to aid all students in need of financial assistance.

Due to the dynamic nature of the pandemic, we have not made any decision on tuition beyond the Fall 2020 semester. Please know that University leaders, faculty and staff take your financial burden seriously and work hard each year to reduce direct costs and increase philanthropic support for scholarships. For more information, please refer to our list of answers to frequently asked questions or call the COVID-19 helpline at 202-784-3510, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET Monday-Friday.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

July 7, 2020: Fall 2020 Semester

Dear Georgetown Hilltop Campus Undergraduate Students, Faculty and Staff,

We know you have been looking forward to hearing more about the Fall semester at Georgetown. Following yesterday’s message from President DeGioia, this letter provides more detailed information for you about this first stage of our return to campus.

All of us, faculty, staff, and students, are greatly looking forward to our joint work together in education, research, and service to the community. We are all living history day-by-day as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We seek to make this year, for you, the best possible experience we can. 

Even though most courses will not be offered in Hilltop classrooms, faculty are planning new and innovative ways to use virtual learning technologies to deliver engaging and impactful learning to benefit our students. We are planning events and access to speakers from around the world that make the most of the online platform. Student Affairs staff are working on inventive ways to create virtual events that support clubs and affinity groups. Student leaders are working to adapt to their diverse constituencies in new ways. 

Together we will create the Georgetown way of thriving despite the challenges the pandemic presents us. We will do this as we do all great things — together, as women and men for others, caring for our community and its mission of excellence in education. Together, we are resilient and can adapt to the challenges thrust upon us.

Key Take-Away Messages

  1. We must be flexible to achieve the resilience we need in fall semester
  2. We must follow public health protocols to have any on-campus presence
  3. Only if public health conditions permit at the start of the semester will approximately 2,000 undergraduates initially live in Hilltop residences 
  4. The academic calendar has been changed to reduce during-semester travel
  5. Access to campus buildings is restricted to faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduates living in residence halls

The health and safety of our community continue to guide all decision-making. Although we are planning to have some students take on-campus courses in Hilltop classrooms in this first phase of fall term 2020, the course of the pandemic may force us to change plans to an all virtual educational environment. That is not our choice. It, however, may be our fate this semester. Conversely, if the public health landscape and the DC government allow, we hope to invite more students back to campus during the semester. We must all maintain a level of flexibility this term in the face of external events out of our control. 

Following Health Guidelines
This priority extends to you, as well as all faculty, students, and staff. Before we set foot on campus, we will each pledge to follow a set of guidelines called the Georgetown University Community Compact, involving matters such as daily self-monitoring of health symptoms, testing, wearing face coverings, and physical distancing. There will be strict penalties for students who return to campus and do not adhere to the Compact. 

We can best protect each other and our full community by fulfilling our pledge to adhere to the Compact. 

Which Undergraduates Are Returning to Campus Residence Halls First
If public health conditions and the DC government permit, approximately 2,000 undergraduates will be invited to the Hilltop Campus to live in campus residence halls this August. 

This number was established based on several factors, including the capacity of our residence halls and classrooms to allow for adequate social distancing, and our capacity for testing, tracing and isolating. Priority for on-campus residence has been given to students whose personal or family situation makes it impossible or impractical to complete their studies at their permanent address. We want to make sure that every Georgetown student, regardless of their different circumstances at home, can fully engage in what we have to offer at this challenging moment. 

Beyond this, a limited number of undergraduate students who have curricular requirements that need Hilltop campus facilities, and a limited number of residential life student workers required to live in residence halls will return to campus in the initial group. Finally, first year students, the class of 2024, will have priority as the initial transition to college life and a campus community is critical for framing an academic career at Georgetown.  

As we have announced earlier, graduate students will return to campus only for classes. There will be no residential graduate students on campus.

As we begin the Fall semester, and if conditions allow, President DeGioia noted that we plan to welcome to campus four categories of undergraduates, numbering about 2,000:

  • Members of the first-year class, the Class of 2024
  • Students whose personal or family situation makes it impossible or unrealistic to pursue their studies at their permanent address:
    • Students experiencing housing or food insecurity, with safety and security concerns in their current living environment, with extraordinary living conditions and high financial need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Services (Financial Aid), with unresolvable internet inaccessibility, or whose permanent home address is more than five hours away from the Eastern US time zone may apply to return under this category. A separate note on the process to apply for these exceptions will be sent to students Tuesday, July 7. Students who are currently living in campus residences do not need to apply again.
  • A limited number of seniors and other students whose graduation requirements and academic program necessitate an on-campus presence: 
    • Nursing students whose clinical experiences are required for licensure will be granted on-campus residence. A listing of these students will be supplied to the Residential Life staff to verify eligibility. These students do not have to complete a separate application.
    • Seniors who are enrolled in 5-year Bachelor/Master programs and taking one or more Master’s level courses will be granted on-campus residence. A listing of these students will be supplied to the Residential Life staff to verify eligibility. These students do not have to complete a separate application.
    • ROTC cadets will be granted on-campus residence. A listing of these students will be supplied to the Residential Life staff to verify eligibility. These students do not have to complete a separate application.
    • Seniors who are engaged in previously approved credit-bearing individual projects for senior theses or capstone projects requiring campus facilities, as part of their program completion, will be granted residence. These students do not have to complete a separate application.
  • Some student Resident Assistants to support this small residential community

It is important to note that a student in any of these four groups has the option to remain at home should they prefer.

For those not invited to live in Hilltop Campus residence halls in the initial transition, we understand your disappointment. The faculty, staff, and other students are united in wanting all of us back together again as soon as possible. We hope that this will occur soon, but we have no assurance of that possibility. To serve those away from campus, all courses will be available to all students enrolled in them remotely, whether or not the class has in-person meetings.

Characteristics of a Course in a Hilltop Classroom

For courses with in-classroom meetings (held for students attending in-person), both students in the classroom and students distant from the classroom will be able to participate in the class meetings. In addition to participating synchronously, all students will be able to access videos of class meetings stored for asynchronous viewing and study.The classrooms themselves have been altered over the summer in two important ways:

  1. Classrooms will be upgraded with enhanced educational technology, with microphones for students, cameras for lecture capture purposes, and data projectors.
  2. The number of desks in each room has been radically reduced, to provide for physical distancing among students and more space between the instructor and the class. 

Each classroom will be cleaned frequently. Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizing dispensers will be available widely. All students and instructors will wear face coverings during the class meeting. Some instructors may be teaching from a remote location and will appear on a screen in front of the classroom. If there are remote students in the course, students in the room will use their laptops in a Zoom meeting, so that they can see their remote classmates. 

International Students
We are examining closely the recent statement from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Georgetown is committed to supporting our international students and is working to find academic and course planning solutions that will allow our international students to experience as little disruption to their academic progress and F-1 student status as possible. We will be monitoring further anticipated guidance on this issue and working closely with departments and students in the coming weeks to develop and communicate options for our international student community. 

The Academic Calendar
The academic calendar has been altered to reduce the amount of travel by buses, trains, and airplanes during the term. This is an effort to reduce the risk of infection for students, faculty, and staff.

Residential Life
Room assignments will be made in the coming weeks with students living in single bedrooms. Incoming first-year students will live in traditional residence halls and suite-style buildings, while returning students will live in suite-style and apartment-style buildings. There will be opportunities for community life in the residence halls, but there will also be significant limitations on social gatherings and common activities, in order to assure health and safety.

Living off Campus
Those undergraduate students who are not approved to live on campus are strongly encouraged to remain at their home address in order to be mindful of our community neighbors.

It is important to recognize that the many courses for upperclass students will be offered exclusively on-line. Undergraduate students living off campus may not attend classes on campus, except for those enrolled in accelerated master’s programs. All students who live on-campus or off-campus are members of the Georgetown university community and are expected to abide by University health protocols; the Compact applies to all students, whether they are living on campus or off-campus in the neighborhoods adjacent to the University. The university will provide testing, tracing, and an app for symptom monitoring, within the university’s capacity to do so.

Access to Campus Spaces
All campus spaces are being reviewed for their operations and plans, and determinations about use will be made on an individual basis based on DC and University health and safety guidelines. Only students living in Hilltop Campus residence halls will have access to Main Campus buildings, with the exception that off-campus students will be allowed to access the Student Health Center.

The Spring Semester
We cannot yet make decisions regarding the Spring 2021 semester, given the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as we can, we will announce those decisions.

Finances and Financial Aid
Any questions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Office of Student Financial Services.

For More Information
For general information about nonacademic University operations and services in the coming fall semester, please contact our university helpline between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EDT Monday to Friday at 202-784-3510.

For questions about academic issues (classes, courses, and degree requirements), please send an email to Your questions will be directed to the appropriate school and dean to assist you. In addition, each school is planning follow-up webinars and seminars to provide further detailed information. Announcements for these events will come from the school dean’s offices.

We encourage you to view this set of FAQs which may be helpful in providing further information. 

We thank you in advance for your patience as we approach the Fall semester, and urge you to remain flexible in your planning. We will continue to monitor the public health concerns that guide our decision-making, and will promptly reach out to you with any adjustments or changes to planning as we get closer to the opening of the term. 

Whether we are teaching and learning in-person or in a virtual environment, I know that, together, we will experience an exceptional and uniquely Georgetown education, and we will be guided by cura personalis in all of our work together.


Robert M. Groves

June 20, 2020: COVID-19 Update: DC Phase Two Reopening

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community: 

Yesterday, Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the city will move to Phase Two for reopening, on Monday, June 22. This will be the second of four phases based on the ReOpen DC plan.
In Phase Two, universities can begin to gradually reopen only after an approval by the District government of a university plan. As outlined in President DeGioia’s message on fall planning, the university continues to work on our plan, focusing on how we can provide for the safe return of the members of our community given the risks posed by COVID-19. Georgetown has not yet submitted its plan to the District for approval but seeks to do so soon. We will continue to consult with our community as we finalize our plans for the future, including for the coming semester.  
The DC government’s new phase does not change the current operating status for Georgetown University’s campuses and off-campus offices in Washington, DC. The university remains as a virtual learning and telework flexible environment. In support of this effort, staff, AAPs and temporary employees should continue to telework as directed by their supervisors, and all existing telework designations made pursuant to our COVID-19 Telework Guidelines and Procedures remain in place. Please respect the telework designation for the health and safety of our community.

Academic and administrative buildings on the Main and Medical Center Campus will continue to be restricted to a limited number of community members with approved GOCard access as they have been. Buildings that remain closed to the entire community include Lauinger Library, Dahlgren Medical Library, Leavey Center, Healey Family Student Center and Yates Field House. Buildings on the Law Center campus are similarly restricted to GOCard access only. These restrictions also apply to off-campus offices, including Wisconsin Avenue and M Street offices, the Harris Building and the School of Continuing Studies campus at 640 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. 

As detailed in university guidance, all employees, students, and visitors in a Georgetown University Washington, DC, campus space (including all university-owned or controlled buildings, campus grounds, shared laboratory areas, shared residence hall spaces, conference rooms, restrooms, etc.) must wear a face covering at all times, except when alone in a private room with a closed door or in a private vehicle.

As a reminder, the moratorium on university-sponsored travel for faculty and staff remains in effect until further notice. 

If you would like to receive a daily update listing all new COVID-19 communications sent by Georgetown, subscribe to our daily digest. Should you have additional questions, please contact our university call center at 202-784-3510, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

June 15, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Cancellation of Fall 2020 Study Abroad and Exchange Programs

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community,

COVID-19 has deeply impacted all of our lives and we remain grateful for the generosity of spirit of the Georgetown community as we work through so many new elements of our university academic functions and operations.

Today, after much consideration, we regrettably must announce the extension of the moratorium on all university-sponsored student international travel through the upcoming semester, including the cancellation of fall 2020 study abroad and exchange programs.

We know that in light of the moratorium, many in our community had inquired about fall plans for study abroad and other international travel. We thank you for your patience as we worked to assess these complex questions. 

For those students with plans to participate in a university-sponsored or related international travel program or abroad program for the fall or full academic year, the relevant office or department will be in touch with you today to provide additional information regarding next steps, including information for graduate or professional students regarding any relevant exception process. Limited exceptions to this moratorium may be considered for specific graduate and professional student travel, and must be approved by the appropriate Executive Vice President.

This decision applies to all university-sponsored international travel by undergraduate, graduate and professional students. It does not, however, impact university-sponsored international travel for faculty and staff, which remains subject to the moratorium communicated on April 21

Our decision was made in the interest of the health and safety of our community, taking into account the dynamic nature of the global public health situation, significant current limitations on international travel, and the ability to appropriately support students abroad during this time of uncertainty. We decided now in order to provide all students who had planned to participate in university-sponsored international travel or programs with ample time to adjust their plans to continue their studies with Georgetown for the fall semester. 

We recognize how disruptive and significant this decision is, and the university is actively working with relevant departments to help affected students determine the best course of action to continue their academic progress in the fall.

University leadership and key stakeholders continue to meet to review, update and communicate during this pandemic. We recognize the challenges this health crisis has caused for our community, and we appreciate everyone’s cooperation and efforts as we work through these times. 

You can find all university updates, answers to frequently asked questions and other resources related to coronavirus on the Georgetown University website.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

June 2, 2020: Racial Justice and Resources Offering Support

Dear Georgetown Main Campus Students, Faculty, Staff:

This is a time of great challenge and tragedy. Once again, we have seen the impact of racial injustice that has been a stain on our country since the original sin of the enslavement of people of African descent. Frustrations have resulted in peaceful protests throughout the country. These events come at a time when our world is challenged by the unimaginable impact of a global pandemic and its disproportionate impact on the Black community.

Recent reaction is motivated by events related to the tragic deaths of George FloydBreonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, yet we know that these types of actions have occurred far too many times. Police violence, especially against Black and Brown communities in our nation, needs to be acknowledged and addressed. Other forms of racism and oppression continue to plague our country, and Georgetown is not immune to these struggles. The subsequent nationwide protests are displays of inner pain that are shared by many in our community. 

At Georgetown, we are strongly committed to building a supportive, compassionate, and informed community based on our Jesuit ideals and commitment to social justice. It is our priority to exemplify and promote a diverse community inclusive of talents, interests, and backgrounds for the common good, and to use respectful dialogue and points of commonality in areas of disagreement. 

As a global University whose students, faculty and staff come from every corner of the globe, the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer will be launching a University-wide series on Conversations About the Unfinished Business of Race in the United States of America, beginning the week of June 29. 

Drawing from diverse faculties representing  a variety of disciplines across our three campuses, panels will cover such topics as the Impact of Gentrification in Black Communities, Income Equality, Health Disparities, Equal Justice, and Is Redlining a Relic of the Past? to name a few. Georgetown faculty, staff and students will populate these panels and national experts will also be invited to participate. In addition, the College will lead the series of conversations moderated by Dr. Soyica Colbert, whose panelists will be Dr. Zandria Robinson, Dr. Robert Patterson, Dr. Olufemi Taiwo and Dr. Michael Kazin. The first panel will be held on June 3, 2020 from noon to 1 p.m. 

We encourage all members to participate in these discussions. Let us assure you that we will not stop there, as we recognize that it is time for us to leverage our position as a premier University to make tangible contributions to influence domestic public policy and the geopolitical world stage given our presence in Washington, DC. More information will be forthcoming in the near future. 

As members of our community deal with overwhelming feelings of anxiety, fear, and anger associated with these tragedies, we encourage you to reach out for counseling support through CAPS and Campus Ministry. 

For Students:

  • You may also schedule an appointment with CAPS by calling (202) 687-6985 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday-Friday. In the event of an emergency after hours, please call (833) 960-3006 and you will be connected to a trained behavioral specialist.
  • The Office of Campus Ministry is available to all students during business hours by calling (202) 687-5259. In addition, chaplains in residence may be reached after hours by calling (202) 677-0361.

For Faculty and Staff:

  • The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) provides free confidential counseling and referral services to faculty, AAPs, and staff. For more information, visit or call (202) 687-2409.
  • More mental health and telehealth resources for students, faculty, and staff can be found here.


The Office of Student Equity and Inclusion (OSEI) is a source of support. Another resource is Aspen Ideas’ podcast: How to Talk About Race and Racism which provides recommendations for having difficult discussions. Additionally, here is a set of resources for talking with young people about race, racism, and racialized violence from the Center for Racial Justice in Education. 

Please continue to take care of yourselves and all in our community. Please reach out for support and resources you may find helpful.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Rosemary Kilkenny, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

May 27, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Impacts From DC Phase One Reopening

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:

Earlier today, Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the city will move to Phase One for reopening, beginning this Friday, May 29. This is the first of four phases based on the ReOpen DC plan and the city meeting key thresholds to contain the COVID-19 virus.  

This announcement does not change the current operating status for Georgetown University’s campuses and off-campus offices in Washington, DC.  

While the city is gradually reopening, Georgetown University’s operating status remains as a virtual learning and telework flexible environment. In support of this effort, staff, AAPs and temporary employees should continue to telework as directed by their supervisors, and all existing telework designations made pursuant to our COVID-19 Telework Guidelines and Procedures remain in place. All summer courses will continue to be delivered through remote learning. 

Academic and administrative buildings on the Main and Medical Center Campus will continue to be restricted to a limited number of community members with approved GOCard access as they have been. Buildings that remain closed to the entire community include Lauinger Library, Dahlgren Medical Library, Leavey Center, Healey Family Student Center and Yates Field House. Buildings on the Law Center campus are similarly restricted to GOCard access only. These restrictions also apply to off-campus offices, including Wisconsin Avenue and M Street offices, the Harris Building and the School of Continuing Studies campus at 640 Massachusetts Avenue, NW.

This summer we also continue to support approximately 100 undergraduate students and 40 law students who have been approved to stay on campus due to extenuating circumstances. Students remaining on Main Campus or in the neighborhoods by the Main Campus must abide by local directives and face enhanced sanctions for not doing so. 

As detailed in recent guidance, all employees, students, and visitors in a Georgetown University Washington, DC, campus space (including all campus owned or controlled buildings, campus grounds, shared laboratory areas, shared residence hall spaces, conference rooms, restrooms, etc.) must wear a face covering at all times, except when alone in a private room with a closed door or in a private vehicle. 

Each university in the District is working with the city to prepare a more detailed reopening plan for campus operations as the city moves through its four phases. We will continue to update our community as DC updates its plans to reopen. If you would like to receive a daily update listing all new COVID-19 communications sent by Georgetown, subscribe to our daily digest. Should you have additional questions, please contact our university call center at 202-784-3510, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

May 18, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Campus Face Covering Guidance

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

In response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the university is implementing new guidance requiring all employees, students and visitors to wear a face covering when on any of the university’s DC campuses beginning immediately and effective until further notice. 

This guidance is in accordance with the May 13, 2020, District of Columbia Mayor’s Extensions of Public Emergency and Public Health Emergency and Preparation for Washington, DC Reopening Order 2020-066 which mandates, as it pertains to Georgetown, face coverings for individuals engaging in minimal business operations where social distance cannot be maintained. 

As detailed in the guidance, all employees and students in a Georgetown University Washington, DC, campus space (including campus buildings, campus grounds, shared laboratory areas, shared residence hall spaces, conference rooms, etc.) are required to wear a face covering at all times, except when alone in a private room with a closed door or in a private vehicle. This guidance also applies to all riders of university GUTS buses. Visitors to campus will also be required to wear face coverings at all times, including children over the age of two. 

Employees or students who live or work on campus and cannot wear a face covering for reasons related to their inclusion in a protected category may request an accommodation through the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA). Students who wish to request a disability-related accommodation may do so by contacting the Academic Resource Center (for Main Campus and Medical Center students) or the Office of Disability Services (for Law Center students). 

Any employee, student or visitor who fails to abide by these guidelines may be asked or directed to leave the campus space. Employees and students who are directed to leave a campus space for failure to comply with these guidelines may be taken off duty and/or subject to disciplinary action.

As a reminder, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. You should NOT use N-95 face masks meant for health care workers; however, it is easy to make your own face coverings at home. Faculty and staff who need support in securing a face covering can contact the Office of Emergency Management. Students remaining on campus will be contacted and informed about resources related to this new guidance.
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. More information about the university’s face covering guidance as well as additional health informationanswers to frequently asked questions and other university resources on the Georgetown Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center.

If you would like to receive a daily update listing all new COVID-19 communications sent by Georgetown, subscribe to our daily digest. Should you have additional questions, please contact our university call center at 202-784-3510, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

May 12, 2020: Welcome to Georgetown!

Dear New Students,

We are so proud to welcome you to Georgetown University! 

The times through which we are living are unique and unparalleled. You will emerge as one of the leaders for a world that will need you as you’ve never been needed before. To prepare for this role, you will need not only skills, but you’ll also need to have time, resources and institutional space to concentrate on your character and how it will evolve. You’ll need resilience and the ability to adapt to the many challenges you will face. This is why you applied to Georgetown, this is why we are proud to have selected you, and this is why we know you will thrive here. In the Jesuit tradition, a Georgetown education combines caring teaching and research-oriented discovery, your mind and your heart, and – most importantly – a focus on you as a whole person. We can’t wait to welcome you for the coming year.

Please know this: we are ready. Our first and overriding principle is the safety of our community. Accordingly, we will follow the public health guidance and expertise. But we will be open. And however we are open – whether face to face, online, or some other way – we will be ready. 

Soon, you will experience a uniquely Georgetown education, based upon cura personalis, meaning care for the whole person, and care for others. You will have the bonus of experiencing this at an institution in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC, where much of the critical policy issues are tackled. We offer classes in a variety of formats and modes, all designed to enhance your learning experience, with faculty who have developed their courses to respond to the special time in which you enter the university. We hope to welcome you face-to-face. But should we find ourselves also working in other modes, know that Georgetown’s faculty is eager to engage you and ready for your arrival. You will become part of a Hoya community, with members throughout the world, ready to help one another throughout their lives.

You will hear much from the university in the coming weeks and months as it relates to your coursework, your academic advisors, student life and the many diverse and rewarding ways you can become involved in our community at Georgetown. Threaded throughout this information is an overriding and deep appreciation for what you will bring to this community, and gratitude for your contributions. 

We look forward to the start of the fall 2020 semester. Welcome!


Robert M. Groves, Provost

May 11, 2020: Well Done

Dear Georgetown Students, Faculty, and Staff,

It has been an extraordinary spring term full of notable challenges faced by students, faculty and staff at Georgetown. I congratulate you on your completion of the semester!

We were asked to disrupt our campus lives and adapt to instructional continuity within a matter of days. All of us worked in settings that were not designed for our roles as student or faculty member. The staff throughout the university worked in creative and effective ways to ensure the semester progressed as smoothly as possible.

We adapted, struggled through new procedures, and completed the spring courses. We are stronger and more resilient because of it. We have demonstrated we can adapt to a destructive global pandemic and continue our learning together.

I urge us to pause just a moment and reflect on that accomplishment. We did it!

To the class of 2020 in all our programs across the university, we congratulate you on your degree completion success. We will have short virtual ceremonies in the next few days and we are hoping that you come back to campus for a face-to-face commencement at a later date. In the meantime, enjoy this moment—you have earned it!

Our attention now turns to the future. We have accepted a talented group of new students for the fall of 2020 who will join the ranks of scholars in our community. Further, we are delighted to see the larger-than-usual number of undergraduates enrolling in summer courses. We welcome you back!

Thank you for your efforts in this unprecedented time; for your patience, for your commitment to teaching and learning, and for your continued embodiment of the ideals of men and women for others.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

April 22, 2020: Revised Grading Policy Summer 2020 and Revised Probation Policy

Dear Georgetown Students,

We continue to be proud of your achievements this semester. As we prepare to complete the Spring semester and head into our Summer sessions, we have taken steps to ensure further flexibility to students regarding grading and probation policies. The policies as they apply to undergraduate and graduate policies are treated separately below.

For Graduate Students

Summer Grading. The Main Campus grading policy used in Spring 2020 will continue into the Summer 2020 term, due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The Spring 2020 ad hoc policy was approved by the MCEF steering committee and the Council of Deans. This policy applies to graduate students in programs which have opted into it. 

Students whose programs have opted in, have the option for Pass/Fail (S/CR/NC) for the Summer academic term, which will be implemented in the same way as Spring term 2020. Students may opt-in to take the S/NC/CR option, until the final day of classes. There will be the same transcript notation as Spring 2020, stating that the S/CR/NC grading system was adopted for the COVID-19 crisis. 

Probationary Standards. The Graduate School Bulletin outlines the minimum standards for student academic performance, grading and GPA, and time-to-degree expectations. Given the educational challenges presented by COVID-19, Georgetown has developed several ad hoc policies unique to the spring 2020 and summer semesters. In light of the MCEF-approved Revised Grading and Withdrawal policy for Spring and now Summer 2020, the Graduate School will allow students at risk of not obtaining good academic standing this semester to proceed to the next term without penalty. Similarly, students on academic probation from Fall 2019 or earlier will not be terminated but rather permitted to continue to the subsequent semester without penalty.

The requirement that students must have a 3.0 GPA to be eligible for graduation remains in effect. As stated in the emergency grading policy adopted for Spring 2020 and extended to Summer 2020, it is accordingly the responsibility of students in programs that have opted into the policy to work with their advisors to make thoughtful decisions about whether to take a course for a grade or as S/CR/NC; the revised grading policy for graduate students specifies that the election of the S/CR/NC option requires the permission of the program and advising dean. The cumulative GPA will be calculated on the basis of those courses taken for grades during the student’s academic program.

Some graduate programs have additional criteria related to degree progression and probation in order to ensure professional standards are met. These policies will be clarified as needed by program directors. 

This revised policy will apply only to the Spring and Summer 2020 terms, in response to the transition to virtual learning due to the Covid-19 public health crisis.

For Undergraduate Students

Summer Grading. The Main Campus grading policy used in Spring 2020 will continue into the Summer 2020 term, due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The Spring 2020 ad hoc policy was approved by the MCEF steering committee and the Council of Deans. The policy applies to all undergraduate students. 

Undergraduate students have the option for Pass/Fail (S/CR/NC) for the Summer academic term, which will be implemented in the same way as Spring term 2020.  Students may opt-in to take the S/NC/CR option, until the final day of classes. There will be the same transcript notation as Spring 2020, stating that the S/CR/NC grading system was adopted for the COVID-19 crisis. 

Probationary Standards. Given the educational challenges presented by COVID-19, Georgetown has developed ad hoc policies unique to the spring 2020 semester that offer flexibilities to support learning and degree continuity. These policies include an extension of the withdrawal deadline, an extension of the pass/fail deadline, and further amendments to the pass/fail policy expanding the range of passing grades that will contribute toward a student’s degree.

In anticipation of more severe impacts on students’ performance and final grades in spring, we are also adjusting our guidelines for academic standards review. Under ordinary (non-crisis) circumstances, students who perform below designated standards may be placed on academic probation, or in more severe cases face academic sanctions like suspension or dismissal. However, we consider the present time a crisis condition.

As such, at the close of the spring semester 2020, dean’s offices will, as usual, conduct their review of the academic performance of all students. At the conclusion of this review, students will be contacted with expressions of concern and caution, as warranted, but students will not face academic discipline (suspension or dismissal), and will not be placed on academic probation as the result of Spring 2020 academic performance alone. Students who entered the semester on academic probation may be continued on probation if they do not meet the conditions of their probation.

We place great value on the work in which you are engaged and are very proud of your efforts through these past few months. The changes to our summer grading and probationary academic standards policies will provide greater flexibilities for students navigating this transition to online learning.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

April 6, 2020: Accessibility Resources for the Virtual Learning Environment

Dear Georgetown Faculty, Students and Staff:

As we continue the work of instructional continuity, we are grateful for our community’s efforts to adapt to this new environment. We deeply appreciate faculty and staff’s commitment to attend not only to the academic needs, but also to the considerable psychosocial, emotional and material needs of students.

With these varied needs in mind, we write now to remind faculty that it is our collective responsibility to ensure students have equal opportunity to access our academic spaces. The university is deeply committed to supporting this effort. Access challenges affect a broad swath of our community and range from the need for new or different academic accommodations for students with disabilities and learning differences, to disparities in access to technology, to new responsibilities for dependent care.

Over the past two weeks, a collaboration of students from Georgetown Disability Alliance, staff from the Academic Resource Center (ARC), CNDLS, UIS and the Office of Equity and Inclusion have worked together to identify the most pressing accessibility problems emerging in our virtual learning environments and gather a set of resources to respond to them. These resources are guided by the principles of Universal Design for Learning, a research-based model that aims to build more inclusive learning environments through giving students multiple ways to connect with course content and to demonstrate what they’ve learned.

We are pleased to announce that these resources are now available to all faculty on the Instructional Continuity website under Accessibility. Additionally, students will have access to accessibility resources via Canvas beginning next week on their course dashboard. Finally, we invite faculty to register for a webinar on accommodations co-hosted by CNDLS and the ARC that will take place on Wednesday, April 8 at 11 a.m. The webinar will be recorded and made available on the Instructional Continuity website as well. Faculty can register at this link. We urge that you make use of these resources as we engage in our collective responsibility of advancing access.

The global crisis and its effects on our community are evolving on a daily basis, demanding new forms of collaboration and support for one another. We urge faculty to check in with students regularly about their changing access needs. Deans and chairs will follow up with additional guidance and support by the end of the week.


Randy Bass
Vice Provost for Education

Todd Olson
Vice President for Student Affairs

April 2, 2020: Revised Grading Policy for Spring 2020

Dear Georgetown Students,

We understand that COVID-19 has challenged you in many ways, and we are proud of your perseverance and commitment to your studies. A number of students and faculty, in groups and individually, have shared the difficulties and fears experienced as a result of the transition to remote learning. We continue to be deeply moved by the ways in which members of our community are supporting each other. 

Thank you for your feedback in response to the revised grading scale of the Pass/Fail option shared previously. I have heard from many faculty as well on this topic. The Main Campus Executive Faculty (MCEF) Steering Committee and Deans have taken into consideration the diverse responses received about the grading policy. There is large variation in attitudes among faculty and students on these issues. For the clarity of student and faculty work during the few weeks remaining in the term, however, a timely decision is needed.

After reviewing all the alternative proposals forwarded, the MCEF Steering Committee and the School Deans have liberalized the Pass/Fail option for Spring, 2020. This protocol is the final decision on the grading policy for the spring 2020 semester. 

The framework addresses many factors leading to this decision: ensuring the University academic calendar complies with federal regulations; taking into account the important voices we heard from students, faculty, and families; rightfully recognizing the unequal hardships faced by some students after moving to an online environment; and valuing the academic performance of students in the first portion of the semester. 

For the Spring 2020 term:  

  • Students (graduate and undergraduate) will have the option to choose one of two grading frameworks, either:

(1) a letter grade, or (2) Satisfactory (S); Credit (CR); or No-credit(NC): (S=grades A through C; CR=C-, D+, D; NC=F)

  • Students can make this choice in MyAccess beginning on April 6 up until the last day of classes
  • The choice to take a class S/CR/NC can apply to any course: Core, major, minor, certificate or free elective. 
  • The choice can be made without permission from the deans (per the usual process). Requests by graduate students in programs that have opted into the policy must be approved by the appropriate director of graduate studies or dean.
  •  The S/CR/NC options will not be counted toward the stated maximum of student’s degree programs (e.g., “six” as outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin). 
  • The withdrawal date will also be extended to the last day of classes. Late withdrawal is only available to graduate students in programs that have opted in to the policy. 
  • A transcript notation will explain that S/CR/NC was instituted because of the Spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. 

This grading policy will be in place for the Spring 2020 term only and is in response to the mid-semester transition to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 situation.

In our decision-making we were guided by a compassionate consideration of students who are suffering under the conditions of dislocation due to the pandemic and are unable to work or perform at the same level they were before. Through the addition of CR, students who might slip into the C-, D+, and D range are assured of passing and of not having to repeat a course. The NC designation means the F grade on the transcript is removed for the Spring 2020 term.

I would like to thank you once again for your valuable feedback. I would like to thank our faculty and deans for their careful consideration and thoughtful deliberations on this complex issue, and for supporting the rigors of a Georgetown education while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable students. We thank you for continuing to exemplify Georgetown’s spirit of cura personalis through this unprecedented time. 


Robert M. Groves, Provost

March 30, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Impacts From New “Stay-at-Home” Orders for DC, Maryland and Virginia

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:

Earlier today, MarylandVirginia and the District of Columbia each issued mandatory “stay-at-home” orders for their respective residents. Maryland and Virginia’s orders are effective today, and DC’s order goes into effect on April 1. Under these new orders, residents are directed to stay at home except for trips considered essential, such as venturing out for work, food, medicine, to care for others or for physical exercise.  

Students remaining on campus or in the DC region are expected to abide by DC’s directive and can face enhanced sanctions for not doing so. 

Georgetown employees who have been informed that they are required to come to campus to work are permitted to do so by these orders. Anyone coming to work on campus should carry their university ID and proof of residence (e.g., state ID or driver’s license) to identify themselves. Under the DC order, Georgetown can continue its current operating status and maintain essential operations for our campus community.

While the university transitioned to a virtual learning environment on March 16, we are still caring for approximately 175 undergraduate students and 110 law students who have been approved to stay on campus due to extenuating circumstances. Research continuity and ensuring our students receive the food, housing, safety and support services they need to be successful does require that a portion of our workforce continue to be physically present on campus, as provided for under the Mayor’s order.

We are incredibly grateful to all members of our community, and express additional gratitude towards our frontline workers who ensure the health, safety and security of our community. Information on resources for these employees can be found in our recent communication to staff and AAPs.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

March 27, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Congratulations! Two Weeks Completed!

Dear Georgetown Faculty and Students,

Congratulations on completing the second week of instructional continuity!  

Over 7,000 classes and millions of minutes of Zoom have been completed. Every day shows more involvement of faculty and students in our classes. This is our way of helping to #FlattenTheCurve. Thank you for your resilience.

Thank you also for answering the short questionnaire last Sunday and Monday. It told us that students value most the support they feel from instructors as they are learning how best to focus and concentrate on classes in this new medium. We learned that we all need to be patient with one another as we adapt to new ways of teaching and learning. Cura personalis works for everybody.

We also learned how deeply the faculty care about their students’ welfare. The comments support giving flexibility to those with weak internet connection or those challenged by time zone differences from that of DC. We learned of how students are navigating complicated home environments for pursuing their studies.

One final note from your feedback. Both faculty and students can get lonely in this telework, remote learning world. Thinking of others makes each of us feel better. I urge you to reach out to colleagues and classmates and talk to them.

I am so proud of how we have pulled together through this period. Together, we are manifesting the strength of community in difficult times.

With deep admiration,

Robert M. Groves, Provost

March 23, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Georgetown University Library Goes Virtual

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community:

In line with District and federal guidance and university guidelines related to social distancing, the Georgetown University Library will no longer offer physical access effective Tuesday, March 24. This includes access to Lauinger, Dahlgren Memorial and the Bioethics, Blommer, Woodstock and the School of Continuing Studies branch libraries. These locations will continue to offer a full set of online services and access to online collections.

Continuing services will include access to online materials, reference, class or research consultations and assistance with securing expanded online access to curriculum-based and/or research materials, as possible. Please visit the library website for a complete set of services available virtually. If you have any issues with access, please visit the Off-Campus Access page for tips and assistance.

All library materials currently checked-out will be automatically renewed, with an unlimited number of automatic renewals to be applied until further notice.

As the university adapts to this complex and evolving public health crisis, the Georgetown University Library will continue to be a source of knowledge and transformational learning.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Harriette Hemmasi, Dean of the Library

March 21, 2020: COVID-19 Update: New Guidelines and Sanctions Related to Social Distancing

Dear Georgetown Students On or Near Campus:

During this exceptional time, we all have a responsibility to practice social distancing in order to maintain the health and safety of the university and broader community. We are extremely concerned that we have received recent reports of students continuing to host social gatherings during this time. We are immediately implementing new directives and enhanced sanctions, and it is urgent that you read, understand, and comply with them fully.  

Effective immediately, we will be strictly enforcing the following directives for undergraduate and graduate students with enhanced sanctions for violations until further notice: 

  • You are not permitted to organize or attend parties or gatherings of more than ten people on campus or off campus. If you participate in a gathering of more than ten people, regardless of who hosted it, you will be subject to discipline.
  • If you live in assigned university housing, you are not permitted to have any guests in your assigned residential facilities—with the exception of other Georgetown students approved to live on campus, in groups of ten or fewer.
  • If you are still in university housing, and have not been given written permission by the Dean of Students to live on campus during this time, you must return to your permanent address immediately. You must have explicit permission to remain after Sunday, March 29.
  • You must comply with any directive from the DC Government.

If you are found responsible for a violation of any of these directives, you will be subject to serious disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct as well as enhanced sanctions, including suspension for the semester or longer, and earn no academic credits for any courses taken this semester. Seniors who are suspended will not be able to obtain their degree this semester. Given our current circumstances, an expedited process will be in place to adjudicate violations of these directives. 

Please know that these measures have been put in place with the health and safety of all members of the Georgetown community as our paramount concern. 


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences & Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

March 17, 2020: Email sent to all Undergrad and Grad Student Employees on the Main and Med Center

Dear Georgetown Student Employee:

Our student workers are critical to the university’s operations. While the operating status has changed, the university is committed to providing students with opportunities for their continued work and to ensuring that they will continue to receive wages. We will work with your managers to ensure you will be paid the wages you expected to be paid for the rest of the spring semester. 

Student workers should expect to telework when possible. However, if the nature of your job does not allow for telework, you will still receive wages for the number of hours that were mutually agreed upon between you and your manager.  

Your manager will be reaching out to you in the coming days with more information about expectations, including telework, where possible, and related work assignments. 

Student employees who do not hear from their supervisor by Friday, March 20, or have questions about student employment, should contact the Student Employment Office at (new window) (new window)


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

March 16, 2020: Our New Pathway

Dear Georgetown Students and Faculty,

Well, we are launching!

This is a Monday unlike any other we have experienced.  We have asked much of each other in recent days, changing instructional modes and working out of our home addresses, using new tools to communicate with each other, and coming to terms with fears and uncertainty of that which lies ahead. 

We are prepared, but we will indeed encounter bumps in the road today, in the coming days, and in the next weeks. Let’s use the bumps to strengthen the bonds among us. And let’s talk about the bumps and together work around them. 

We need to recognize our strengths to excel in this new era. Georgetown has proven itself a uniquely caring, strong and resilient community. Drawing strength from the bonds that hold us together, you, the faculty and students, working together will invent the Georgetown way to thrive in this new environment.

We can only do this by reaching out. Social isolation is one of the drawbacks of a digital environment. Do not let yourself feel alone. Learning is a group exercise. Find ways to interact virtually in groups in all your classes to provide the catalyst for engagement. 

We are women and men for others. In this situation our community is just a click away. Welcome each other to this new era of learning with a commitment to seek help when you need it and offer assistance when you can. Hoya Saxa!


Robert M. Groves, Provost

March 14, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Flexibilities to Assist Undergraduate Students During Spring 2020 Remote Learning

Dear Georgetown Undergraduate Student: 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives. We know that the coming days are crucial if we are to maximize the kind of social distancing that will save lives across our community and beyond in the weeks ahead. It is for these reasons that Georgetown University decided to move to virtual instruction for the rest of spring semester 2020.

We understand the sense of difference, dislocation and loss many of you are experiencing and the real challenges of the transition, which will affect each and every one of us in different ways. We know this semester will be challenging. Our faculty are deeply concerned for you and your learning experience. Together, we will be with you every step of the way. 

Given these circumstances, we are implementing a set of new measures designed to increase flexibility for students and support the learning environment, as classes resume March 16.

First, all undergraduate students at Georgetown may choose to take their courses pass/fail this semester, a choice they are free to make until the last day of classes. (The formal policy will be made available shortly.)

Second, the withdrawal date for each course will be extended to the last day of classes. Withdrawals will, as usual, require approval by the deans.

Third, we are providing the following guidance to your faculty:

  • to grant absences to students missing classes because of any issues related to the transition of housing or to a virtual learning environment over the days before March 30;
  • to maximize flexibility for students to participate in learning activities, recognizing connectivity issues, time zone differences and other challenges;
  • to use class meetings to engage students on how best to adapt to the online environment; 
  • to seek feedback from students on how best to serve their needs in the new environment; and 
  • to postpone any evaluations (tests, assessments, papers) scheduled for the week of March 16-20. 

We recognize the challenge of transitioning to virtual instruction on March 16 and that many of us wish we had more time. Beginning on that date permits us to end the semester at the scheduled time, without extending the disruption into the summer.

Let us give each other the gift of assuming good will in a difficult situation. We will be patient, we will be flexible, and we will never forget to listen to each other in the spirit of Georgetown: cura personalis.

Robert M. Groves, Provost

 March 13, 2020: COVID-19 Update: Move-Out Process for Residential Life

Dear Undergraduate Students and Parents:

In the past days, we have seen a rapidly changing environment related to the coronavirus, COVID-19. The World Health Organization designated COVID-19 as a pandemic and the District of Columbia has declared a state of emergency and public health emergency. Additionally, the United States has increased travel restrictions from European countries. And, as President DeGioia announced earlier today, we are continuing the virtual student learning environment through the rest of the spring semester, including finals. This message outlines how the university will support students as they return to their permanent addresses.

Move-out for Undergraduate Students in Residence Halls

We ask that you completely move out of the residence halls, apartments and university townhouses. Accordingly, for all students living on campus, we are instituting a spring move-out process from Friday, March 13, 2020 to Sunday, March 29, 2020. If you are currently not on campus, you should not return until your designated move-out date. In order to reserve a move-out time, ALL residential students must complete the Residential Move-Out Form before coming to campus and no later than Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 12 p.m. EST. 

This move-out process aligns with the university’s efforts to minimize the spread of the coronavirus by reducing the density of social encounters (limiting the number of members of our community on campus and reducing the size of public gatherings), practicing social distancing (ensuring that we provide sufficient distance between ourselves), and seeks to provide students and their families flexibility in making the necessary arrangements. 

Please note, any student or visitor returning from a country designated Level 3 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including newly designated countries in Europe, should not should not come to campus for move-out before completing at least a 14-day self quarantine in an off-campus residence.

Undergraduate Students Needing to Remain on Campus

All students are being directed to return to their permanent addresses and to stay there until their designated move-out window. However, we recognize that there are a small number of students whose personal or family situations make it impossible or impractical to return to their permanent addresses. Students with a compelling reason to stay on campus must apply to remain on campus. Be aware that, should you be approved, you may need to move to another residential building that would be more suitable for social distancing and will need to practice social distancing in all interactions on campus.

For undergraduate students who are absolutely unable to return to campus by Sunday, March 29, 2020, and pack their items for move-out:

  1. We will ship one small box of essential items (laptop, medication, course materials) to you. If you need for us to go to your room, collect those items and ship them to you, sign up via this link by Monday, March 16, 2020.
  2. If you are absolutely unable to come to campus and move out by Sunday, March 29, 2020, please contact us via this link. We will be developing alternative resources at a later date.
  3. Be assured we will not dispose of your personal belongings.

Summer storage will also be available for anyone who is interested in this paid service. Use the following linkfor more information on storage. 

Prorated Rebate for Room and Board

We will not charge undergraduate students for room and board for the portion of the semester when they will not be occupying their residence halls or utilizing their meal plans, following March 16. In the coming weeks, undergraduate students who vacate campus should expect to receive a prorated credit on their student accounts. Since each student and financial aid circumstance is unique, we request students’ patience as the Finance department and Office of Student Financial Services work to process and communicate the impact of prorated reimbursements to students’ aid packages. If you have questions about your financial aid package, please contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (202) 687-4547. 

For All Undergraduate Students who Live Off-campus 

The university encourages in the strongest terms all students living off campus to return to their permanent addresses. Students should avoid returning to the neighborhood if possible or return only briefly to gather necessary items for the completion of academic work before departing to their permanent addresses. We would remind all off-campus students to be mindful of the terms and conditions of their leases. Services and facilities on campus will be very limited during this time, and students should be aware of this in planning for the weeks ahead.  

During this time, be assured that essential services and emergency response will be the university’s priority. The Office of Neighborhood Life is fully operational and will communicate directly with off-campus students regarding move out procedures. 
We know that many members of our community have friends and family members who may be impacted by the virus. We encourage anyone who might need support to reach out to university resources, including the Office of Campus Ministry and Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS). We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this time with our community.

Should you have additional questions, please contact the call center at (202) 784-3510, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 

We deeply appreciate your patience and support as we navigate forward though these extraordinary times. For more than 225 years, Georgetown has withstood many challenges. Please know that our mission as a university and strength as a community will guide us through these challenging times.  


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

 March 11, 2020: Message From the Provost of the University

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students:

You have all received an email from President DeGioia about the university’s transition to a virtual learning environment that implements the instructional continuity protocols we have previously employed.

We take these steps at an extraordinary time, faced with challenges to the health of our community from COVID-19. Nothing is more important to Georgetown than supporting the health and welfare of the faculty, staff and students. We need your cooperation and collaboration during these challenging times.

For our faculty, we must work together to assure that this semester’s courses can continue, for example, by using Canvas and other software. While almost all faculty have used instructional continuity before, we have never offered several weeks of remote education. We must work together to do this well; we will forward more specific information to support faculty in this work very soon. Your dean’s office has been working nonstop since Monday, March 9 to organize this, and Vice Provost Randy Bass, together with the strong resources at CNDLS, will assist in this effort.

Further, to minimize health risks, we will heavily restrict gatherings for research and other purposes on campus. We will assist faculty in transforming any planned gatherings into virtual meetings. Only in exceptional circumstances will face-to-face gatherings be permitted, with advance authorization of the Provost’s Office. More specific guidance on the exceptions process, led by Vice Provost Reena Aggarwal in close collaboration with staff in your own schools, will be provided in the coming days.

Finally, despite our move to deliver education remotely, we commit to continuing our research activities, many of which occur in university spaces. We will issue a statement on research continuity in a few hours. Vice Provost Billy Jack will offer follow-up assistance on research issues working with others in your school.

For our staff, we will see increased use of our teleworking policies. An announcement of that policy and practice will be released immediately. Some on-campus work will be required to support the remote education activities and the continuity of research activities. Direct supervisors will work with each staff member to implement these practices.

For our undergraduate students, we will ask them to return from spring break to their permanent addresses; some students who need housing will remain on campus. We will ask them to switch from a face-to-face mode to a virtual mode. Your instructors will tailor the move to remote teaching in ways that fit each of your classes. Rely on them and help them make the remainder of the semester successful. We will send out guidance soon.

For our graduate students, we ask that they work from their permanent addresses and participate in remote classes there. The Graduate School staff will assist in the graduate student transition to a virtual environment and support completion of programs on schedule. We will send out guidelines for student use of the virtual environment soon.

I am confident, knowing the spirit of Georgetown, that all of us will work together, helping each other make this transition.


Robert M. Groves, Provost