Communication with External Evaluators

This is the standard required format for all Main Campus schools and departments to use in seeking external evaluations.

Supplementary Documents: 

External Evaluator Request Template for Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor

External Evaluator Request Template for Promotion to Full Professor

All preliminary inquiries (and responses to the inquiries) should be by e-mail or otherwise in writing to provide documentation of the exchange.

Supplementary Documents: 

Sample Email Inquiry

Include in the dossier a complete list of the materials provided to the external evaluators.  Those materials included in the dossier should be the same versions of the materials available to the external evaluators (if not, clearly identify and date any additions or updates).

Please note:  The candidate’s research statement may be sent to evaluators at the academic unit’s discretion. Regardless of whether a unit chooses to send the research statement, it should not send other statements to external evaluators, including the applicant’s teaching and service statements or any statements describing the academic unit.