Community Life

Below is a list of units and programs that offer a wide array of services and opportunities for the Main Campus community. Please visit their websites to learn more! 

Division of Student Affairs, which includes: 
  • Residential Living
  • Student Clubs and Organizations
  • Counseling and Psychiatric Services
  • and many other areas… 
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service
  • Community-based Learning
  • Social Justice Internships
Gervase Programs
  • Undergraduate research services
  • Fellowships and Awards
  • Phi Beta Kappa
Campus Ministries
  • Religious Services
  • Sacred Spaces
  • First-Year Student Programs
Office of Global Education / Office of Global Services
  • Study Abroad
  • Visas
ROTC Programs in Washington D.C.
  • Hoya Battalion
  • Corps of Cadets
Kennedy Institute of Ethics
  • Ethics Lab
  • Bioethics Research Library