Assembling the Dossier
1. Contents
2. Departmental Actions
3. Candidate’s CV
4. Candidate’s Statements
5. Annual Faculty Evaluations
6. Mid-Probationary Period Review
7. Teaching
8. External Evaluators: Selections
9. External Letters
10. External Evaluators’ CVs
11. Other
Departmental Actions
Documents reflecting the actions taken by the appropriate units, such as minutes of meetings at which the candidacy was discussed, and/or letters from appropriate deans, chairs, and/or committees evaluating the candidate’s record of teaching, scholarship and service. Minutes should provide a balanced account of all views expressed at the meeting. In cases where a unit’s vote does not reflect the discussion at the meeting, this should be noted in the minutes.
(UCRT Guidelines, Approved by Faculty Senate, May 13, 2015)