Career Research Achievement Award

The Office of the Provost is pleased to solicit nominations from members of the Main Campus tenure-line faculty for its Faculty Research Awards.

Career Research Achievement: Honors the contributions of a scholar to her/his field over the course of a career. The basis of this award is the standing which the faculty member enjoys in his or her scholarly discipline. Nominations should be accompanied by evidence that the nominees’ work is recognized as distinguished and influential well beyond the Georgetown community. Moreover, nominees should be at a stage in their career appropriate for an assessment of long term contributions and influence. Normally, only one of these awards will be made each year and this prize can be received once by any single individual.

Nominations made to the program remain active for three years (or two beyond the year in which the nomination is made) unless the individual is selected for an award in a given year.

Each recipient will receive a $10,000 cash prize, an award, and presentation and recognition at a University-wide Ceremony in the Fall. The most valuable prize, however, will be the recognition of achievement awarded by colleagues.

Eligibility: Only Main Campus tenure-line faculty may be nominated for either award.

Nomination process: Main Campus faculty should submit their nominations for either award to the Office of the Provost via

The nominating officials/departments should provide a letter of nomination, a current version of the candidate’s vita, up to two additional letters from prominent scholars in the field of the candidate, and scholarly materials sufficient to allow evaluation of his/her merits. Nominators and supporting letters should explain the significance of awards or honors that the candidate has received. Occasionally more than one member in a department or unit is eligible and can be nominated. The materials should be submitted to Internal Grants at; Hard copy materials such as books or journals can be submitted directly to the Vice Provost for Research. Supporting materials from other individuals or institutions may also be submitted to    

Review process: Recipient of the award will be selected by the Faculty Research Awards Committee. The Committee has the option of declining to make the award in a given year if, in its judgment, no nomination is sufficiently compelling.

  • 2024: James B. Collins
  • 2023: Suzanne Stetkevych
  • 2022: Der-Chen Chang
  • 2021: Judith Tucker
  • 2019: Alison Mackey
  • 2018: Sandra Calvert
  • 2016: Christian Wolf
  • 2015: Maxine Weinstein
  • 2014: Heidi Byrnes and John Esposito
  • 2013: Robert J. Lieber
  • 2012: Nancy Bernkopf Tucker
  • 2011: Miklos Kertesz
  • 2010: Roger Chickering
  • 2007: Joseph H. Neale
  • 2006: Michael T. Pope
  • 2005: Robert M. Veatch
  • 2004: Darlene V. Howard
  • 2003: Tom L. Beauchamp and Irfan Shahid
  • 2002: Ralph W. Fasold and Richard Weiss