Evaluation Processes for Research Faculty

Research FTNTL faculty include Research Professors, Research Professors of the Practice at the rank Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor. Research FTNTL also include Research Fellows and Senior Research Fellows. This section describes the evaluation and promotion processes for these faculty members.

FTNTL research faculty members at each rank and track will be evaluated regularly. There are two types of research faculty evaluations:

1. Annual/Renewal evaluations 

2. Promotion Evaluations

This section also explains Salary Adjustments for each type of evaluation.

Annual/Renewal Evaluations 

All FTNTL research faculty will be evaluated annually on the basis of their contractual obligations. Research faculty will fill out a specialized faculty review form .The annual deadline for Research Professors and Research Fellows to submit their forms is April 1. Research faculty in Research Centers will be evaluated by the Center Director or designee and at least one more person. Center Directors will be evaluated by the unit head (the Department Chair in the case of a Department and the Dean in the case of a School) or designee. When there are a number of research centers in a unit that are led by research faculty, the unit head is encouraged to form a research faculty committee composed of research center directors from within that unit to provide recommendations to the unit head on the center directors’ annual evaluations.

The following four criteria will be considered for renewal:

  1. High standards in the quality of their scholarly or professional work and continued reputation and visibility in professional standing.
  2. Fulfillment of Faculty Handbook responsibilities and obligations.
  3. Consistency with programmatic needs of the unit where the faculty reside.
  4. Continued funding to support their research.

FTNTL  Research  faculty will  be  notified  of  renewal/non-renewal 30  days  prior  to the end of their contract.

Promotion Evaluations

Promotion should be based on:

  1. Professional development and contributions. This requires substantial contributions to the field of expertise of the faculty member. The quality of a candidate’s work, including contributions to collaborative activities, is crucial. The  quality  of  research  faculty  is  judged  by  the contribution that the work makes to a specific body of knowledge and is usually indicated by its scholarly impact or recognition (nationally and  often  internationally).  The quality of the professional work for research professors of the practice whether in strategic consulting, or technical assistance work will be judged by the external recognition nationally and internationally to their professional field. Importantly, prominence and recognition in their field will be judged by the faculty member’s  continued  ability  to  attract  funding,  Other  factors  to consider  include  impact  of  their  work  beyond  the  university,  the organization  of  conferences  and  events,  and  participation  and leadership  roles  in  national  and  international  professional organizations.
  2. Service. Effective professional or institutional service is judged by its contribution to the candidate’s field, to the missions of his or her unit, and to the University as a whole. Administrative leadership, participation and leadership in professional organizations, and the use of the faculty member’s academic expertise for public welfare are all factors that can be considered in evaluating excellence in service.

The weight given to each of the two factors above will depend on the contractual obligations and the time allocation of the faculty member to professional activities and service.

Time  in  rank  and  meeting  minimum  contractual  obligations  do  not  suffice  for promotion.

Promotion to the rank of Full Professor requires a sustained level of achievement according to the same indicators of excellence professionally (and in service when appropriate) as those required for the rank of Associate Professor. This rank is awarded in the expectation that the faculty member’s entire professional career will live up to this standard.  Substantial accomplishments since appointment or promotion to the prior rank should be clearly demonstrated. Promotion to Research Professor or Research Professor of the Practice is recognition of continued scholarly achievement, a commitment to excellence in research, and substantial service and leadership with every expectation of continuing contributions to the University.

Materials for review for promotion will include:

  1. Faculty Member’s CV;
  2. Personal Statement in support of promotion;
  3. Yearly Evaluations;
  4. Renewal Evaluations.

Any additional materials such as letters of recommendation from peers or former chairs are optional.

Promotion Process

  1. For Assistant and Associate Research Professors; Assistant and Associate Research Professors of the Practice, and Research Fellows, the promotion evaluation  will  be  done  by  the  Center  Director  and  at  least  one  more person.  Center Directors will be evaluated for promotion by the unit head or designee. When there are a number of research centers in a unit that are led by research faculty, the unit head is  encouraged  to  form  a  research  faculty  committee  composed  of  research  center  directors  from within  that  unit  to  provide  recommendations  to  the  unit  head  on  the  center  directors’  annual evaluations.
  2. The unit head will make a recommendation to the Dean on the basis of the  assessment  by  the  committee  and  then  the  Dean  will  make  a recommendation  to  the  Provost  who  will  make  the  final  decision  on promotion. In cases when the unit head is the Dean, the recommendation will go directly to the Provost who will make the final decision.

Timing of Promotion

Generally, an Assistant can seek promotion to Associate for the first time after six years, and/or at the point of renewal thereafter. An Associate may seek promotion to  Full  after  five  years  at  the  rank  of  Associate,  and/or  at  the  point  of  renewal thereafter.  Notwithstanding  these  time  periods,  a  FTNTL  faculty  member  can request  to  be  considered  for  earlier  promotion  if  there  are  special  circumstances that  might  warrant  earlier  promotion,  including  if  the  faculty  member  has  an outside  offer.  If  the  FTNTL  faculty  member  came  with  previous  experience  from another institution, at the time of hiring, the faculty members’ contract will specify the  shortened  period  of  time  for  which  s/he  will  be  considered  for  promotion. Generally,  if  a  faculty  member  applies  for  promotion  but  is  not  promoted,  he/she can  reapply  for  promotion  starting  in  the  next  academic  year  following  a consultation with his/her unit head.

Request for Consideration

Within 30 days of receipt of a negative promotion decision, the faculty member can ask the Provost to reconsider the decision.

Salary Adjustments

Research FTNTL faculty are eligible for salary adjustments consistent with the Main Campus  Faculty  Salary  Policy  and  the  policies  and  requirements  of  their  funding sources.  Such salary adjustments usually take effect at the time of contract renewal and include the following:

Merit Pay Adjustments

FTNTL base salaries are adjusted annually.  A unit must establish in writing a merit pay policy. This policy must be in place by January 1 each year for any adjustments to  salary  that  would  take  effect  at  the  beginning  of  the  next  academic  year. The merit adjustment policy must be transparent and non-arbitrary.

Promotion Increases

Salary increases will also be associated with promotion from Assistant to Associate and from Associate to Full.  Just as the Provost determines salary associated with promotion for tenure-‐‐line faculty, the Provost will determine the nature and size of the salary increases for FTNTL faculty.

Equity Adjustments

Once  enough  information  is  available  on  faculty  performance  and  basic  faculty members’ characteristics, FTNTL faculty equity adjustments will be determined by the  Provost’s  office  using  analysis  to  determine  outliers  and  underpayments  for equivalent FTNTL faculty at Georgetown University.

Other Payments and Adjustments

Other payments or adjustments to faculty base salaries may be made under special circumstances  such  as  changes  in  scope  or  scale  of  responsibilities,  documented changes  in  market  conditions,  or  extraordinary  contributions  to  the  University’s educational  or  research  missions  (e.g.  exemplary  performance  as  indicated  by awards/honors;  prestigious,  high  impact  papers,  presentations  or  publications; receipt of significant and sustained external support; or other indices of consistent, sustained,  high  value  contributions). Requests for such other payments or adjustments require justification and must be approved by the responsible Dean and Provost.