
Our team within the Office of the Provost is dedicated to providing a transparent and beneficial atmosphere for Georgetown's faculty and staff.

Message from the Interim Provost

Whether student, faculty member, staff or a visitor, we welcome you to the vibrant and diverse community that makes up Georgetown University. As Interim Provost, I lead the Office of the Provost and the Deans of our schools, as well as the leaders of Georgetown’s institutes, centers, and initiatives, in fostering academic research and teaching. Our office strives to be transparent, to be inclusive, and to support the University community in living up to its mission of supporting academic inquiry with integrity, and of providing an environment where students, faculty and staff may thrive.

The Interim Provost at Georgetown acts as chief academic officer of the main campus. Working with school deans and our administrative colleagues, together we are responsible for the quality of the educational and research programs of Georgetown College of Arts & Sciences, the Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the McCourt School of Public Policy, the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University in Qatar, and the Earth Commons Institute for the Environment and Sustainability. In addition to academic excellence and advances in research, the Office of the Provost oversees the library, admissions, financial aid, the registrar, and other supporting units.

On behalf of the Georgetown community, we welcome you. Please contact us if we can provide any additional information.

Soyica Diggs Colbert, Ph.D.